Chapter 25 (part two)

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When she came out, with wet hair and another olden dress that cut across her shoulders revealing her sharp collarbone. She was relieved to find it was more comfortable than the others. She looked across at her newly made bed. She never saw who did it. They would only ever appear when she wasn't there and they were exceptionally fast. She crawled back into bed, letting the silk sheets wrap around her, as comforting as her mother's hugs. Her mind wandered to before, where she could feel the grass beneath her feet and each blade tickled her feet as she walked. For the first time, she let herself hope for a way out of this situation. Even if it was through death.

'Get up.' That voice shimmered across the air, traveling down to where she lay, wrapped in silk.

Georgia threw the covers over her head. 'No.' She sulked.

'Please.' That voice softened, a pleading note came through.

Georgia pulled the covers down and stared into emerald green eyes. She blinked and put her hand up but the reflection didn't copy. Instead, she turned and ran towards the other end of the room, stepping atop a faded blue rug. Georgia was struck when she saw her completely. The girl was wearing a crimson red dress, just like the one in the painting, the skirt came out like a puffball in a 15th-16th century design. The top had a box cut front, showing off her cleavage and a thick gold necklace hung from her neck, showing off a ruby and an emerald, each one half of an oval. The necklace intrigued Georgia, it was so unusual and she followed after it. Georgia padded across the stone floor, her feet feeling like she was walking on air.

'I know you.' Georgia whispered, eyeing the girl with suspicion.

The girl twirled, her midnight hair spinning with her. They eyed each other and Georgia squirmed beneath her gaze, concerned with her appearance.

'Thank you.' She said, her voice sending shivers down Georgia's spine. The girl smiled and Georgia noticed the two pearly white fangs sticking out of her mouth.

'You're Lady Alice Grove.' Georgia stammered, pointing a shaky finger at the mirage.

Alice nodded her head, bowing in recognition. 'I believe you are Georgia Alice O'Dona.' Her hands firmly clasped in front of her.

Georgia gasped at their similarities, she felt used and alone. Realising that she had only ever been a copy, even down to her name. Alice seemed to notice Georgia's withdrawal.

'You are not named after me.' Alice spoke softly. 'Your great grandmother shared the name.'

Georgia sighed, thankful for one slight difference. Alice leaned in close, their black hair mingling and slender hands grasping.

'You have the key in here.' She whispered in her ear.

Alice leaned back, an innocent smile forming on her lips.

'What does that mean?' Georgia's voice croaked as the words tumbled out.

She ignored her and started to hum a simple tune, filling the words with her strong and elegant voice. The music wrapped around Georgia, comforting and transporting her to another place, a bright crystal chandelier hung above her. Its brass fitting shined out against the white ceiling. Each crystal reflected the electric light farther outwards, making it almost blinding.

'Dancing towards where love delights. Can you see it too?' Alice's voice drifted across, her sweet singing made the lights grow brighter.

Georgia's vision turned white. The clash of steel shook Georgia as she spun, seeing the curve of the long sword hold against a three-pronged Sai. Its grinding filled her ears.

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