Chapter 37

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The moon glinted through the trees, illuminating the black iron handle on the polished wood door. Growls grew behind the beautiful façade.

'I will get her back.' Nick roared. 'I want my love back.'

He pushed the doors like paper and they flung open, crashing against the stone and the sound disappearing into the trees. Nicks hair shined silver in the pale light. He ran into the wilderness, letting his nose lead him towards Alice. The faint smell of human lingered in the air. He crashed his way into a clearing and saw the house in the distance, the windows dark in the full moons light. A growl erupted from deep inside his body. He opened his mouth and let the wilderness know the fury that burned in him and the revenge he will have.

Georgia shot up and repressed the urge to scream. She gazed at Jet, fearing she had woken him but he seemed so serene, so calm and still deep asleep. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart. Slowly she crawled out of bed, careful not to disturb him. She tiptoed to the bathroom and turned on the light. Something drew her towards the basin and her hands gripped the porcelain sides, her knuckles turning translucent with the pressure. She dared to look at herself in the mirror.

Her green eyes were dull and sad, their usual spark frightened away. Her long black hair hung plastered to her face. She could feel her sweat sliding over her body, her black singlet and shorts clung to her shaking frame. She grabbed the face washer off the hook and started rubbing her arms and face, trying to remove at least one layer of sweat.

It wasn't working.

She scrubbed harder.

Tears brimming in her eyes.

Georgia held them back and focused on the feel of cloth against her sticky skin. She was shaken, down to her core. The tears came for her again as the cloth fell from her hand. She reached down to get it but didn't have the energy to get back up.

She huddled against the vanity and rested her head against the cool tiles. She cried, silently at first, terrified Jet would hear her.

Two pale arms wrapped around her, not caring how sweaty she was and held her tight. Georgia rested her head against their pale chest as soft fingers ran through her hair. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of the house. The easy groans of the house shifting and creaks of imaginary people on the stairs. Her fear lessened in their arms and she gazed up into her own face, the ruby pendant sitting perfectly around her neck.

'Thank you.' Georgia whispered.

Alice smiled at her. 'Always.' She whispered, giving her a squeeze before disappearing.

Georgia wiped her fears and turned on the shower, she stripped and jumped into the shower, letting the warm water chase away her sweat. She rested her head against the cool tiles and tried to remember why exactly she had woken up. She remembered the white hot rage coursing through her veins, as well as adrenaline but she couldn't understand what had woken her up.

The faint sound of a growl echoed in the distance.

Her whole body stiffened, the water felt like knives. 'Nick.' She thought.

'George, where are you?' Jets voice rang out in the bedroom. She couldn't respond, she was shutting down. The bathroom door creaked open. 'Can I join you?'

Georgia jumped with fright and tuned around to see Jet, his head poking through the shower door, a massive smirk spreading across his face. Her cheeks turned a bright red and her fears vanished.

She was always safe with Jet around.

'I'm getting out, so not this time.' She said, finally finding her voice.

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