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As the four fugitives drove underneath a bridge to where Sharon was waiting for them in a black car, Steve parked the old blue buggy car behind her and stepped out to talk to the blonde hair girl. Christina sat next to Bucky behind where Steve was originally sat at and watched on as Steve and Sharon exchange some words.

"Not sure you understand the concept of a getaway car" Sharon asked Steve staring at the old car while Christina huffed.

"That's exactly what I said to Steve..." She mumbled earning a chuckle from the man beside her. Christina glance at Bucky who was slightly squished due to Sam not pulling his chair forward.

"It's low profile" Christina heard Steve and turned her attention back to them outside the car.

"Good, because this stuff tends to draw a crowd"

"Yay my weapons" Christina mumbled to herself once again wanting to leave due to having the feeling that Steve is going to do something he will regret. Feeling the darkness creeping up into her heart and her mind was already bad enough. Bucky having not enough space for himself, he looked over to Sam who was silently watching Steve and Sharon.

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asked politely while Christina watched from the corner she was tightly squeezed in.


"Sam... you are so mean. Here you can squeeze in a bit with me Bucky" Christina offered Bucky who smiled at his old student in appreciation before sliding himself over to her so he was directly in the middle of the back seat while Christina was still tightly squeezed behind Steve's seat.

"You know, he tried to kill me" Sharon told Steve, slightly smiling in which Christina knew something will happen for sure, making her groan in annoyance. Bucky who is now pressed slightly into Christina saw her annoyed face and was concerned for a bit.

"You sure you don't need space? You could put your leg on mine" Bucky offered Christina who just shrugged in response.

"I will see" Christina smiled before looking back to Steve and Sharon who stood there awkwardly before Steve reached over to Sharon and kissed her, making Christina mouth drop. She could feel the same betrayal that Steve had for her but this was going too far. Feeling the darkness spreading all over inside of her, she felt shaken before hearing a voice.

"Don't let this get to you. You need to suppress that darkness my dear" Hearing the familiar British voice, she quickly looked away from Steve kissing Sharon and looked down into her lap, struggling to keep her anxiety down.

Once Steve and Sharon pulled away, they exchanged a few more words before she decided it was time for her to go. Steve looked over to the rest of his friends who were in the car, smirking at him for getting to kiss the girl whoever Christina was looking straight down. Suddenly, Steve felt an overwhelming regret washing over him as he and Christina have grown attached to each other for many reasons that he wishes he could call her his girl. Right now, however, Christina tightly gripped the end of the seat which caused Bucky to turn around and seeing her upset. Bucky now feeling a bit sorry for his student reached over with his metal hand and placed it over her hand that was tightly gripping the seat. Christina looked up at her teacher before she started shifting her legs up.

"I-I think I will accept your offer now...." Her voice slightly cracked causing Sam to turn over and seeing Christina upset now.

"I will be right back to get our stuff" Sam said, getting out of the car and heading towards Steve.

"Okay..." Bucky made himself a bit more comfortable by throwing his metal arm behind Christina and giving her more space to lean on him if she wanted to. She placed her legs over his and tried to get into a more comfortable position before Steve came in.

"Christina... does it have to do with the punk kiss-"

"Yes, Bucky it does have to do with it...." Christina whispered hugging herself while leaning against her teacher for comfort. Steve and Sam walked over to the trunk of the old car, shoving everyone's gear in it. Steve seeing Bucky now holding onto Christina who looked upset and now pale leaning on his best friend's shoulder.

"You alright....?" Steve asked to Christina while getting in the car as she stayed quiet and not responding. Bucky who was worriedly staring at the girl leaning against his shoulder who is now turning to face the other way so her face was in Bucky's neck. She nudged Bucky before closing her eyes and trying to calm her breathing.

"She is just tired and maybe starting to become a bit sick" Bucky said feeling her forehead which was slightly hotter than any human being. Steve nodded at his best friend and looked at the pale sleeping girl on Bucky before driving off to the airport where the others were waiting for them to arrive.

Turning into the airport, Steve drove around until he found the car park section. Going up a few levels, Christina began to stir awake but still feeling like her heart has been stabbed multiple times and that she most likely looked like shit. Looking at the watch on her hand, she still had about 7 hours left to live so she of course would have expected to start looking and feeling like she is about to die anyways. Bucky seeing the younger girl starting to wake up, he rubbed her shoulder using his metal hand so the girl looked up at him. He looked down at the girl and smiled, trying to see if she would smile back in which she held a ghost smile on before looking back down.

"Вы чувствуете себя лучше?*" Bucky asked her in Russian so that the two men at the front won't be able to understand what they were talking about.

"Я чувствую дерьмо**" Her voice still cracking slightly due to holding in her pain from seeing Steve and Sharon kissing. Bucky sighed before rubbing her shoulder again and leaning on top of her head.

"Все нормально. Я ударю этот панк для тебя***" This made Christina chuckle softly, making Bucky happy knowing she was starting to feel better. Eventually Steve saw a white van and turn to park next to it. Christina sensing who was inside, immediately shot up and getting ready to get out of the cramped car. As soon as Steve and Sam got out of the car, Christina quickly got out behind Steve and saw Clint walking towards them. 

"Cap" Clint said with a smile. 

"You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice" Steve said offering Clint a handshake. 

"Hey man, you're doing me a favour. Besides, I owe a debt" 

"Thanks for having my back" Christina waited until Clint saw her and once he did, he opened his arms out for her. "Christina...." Clint smiled as Christina immediately accepted the hug. 

She looked over his shoulder and saw Wanda coming out which made Christina sighed in relief. "I'm so happy to see you again" She whispered in his ear while he continued to rub her back. 

"I'm always here for you" He said, pulling back before Wanda came up to them. 

 "It was time to get off my ass" Wanda smiled before Christina shook her head and bringing Wanda for a hug. 

"Of course...." Christina pulled away as Wanda stare at Christina who was pale. Wanda knowing exactly what was wrong, nodded at her in recognition. Christina walked away from Wanda and walked back to Bucky who stood behind Steve and Sam like they were his parents. 

"How about our other recruit?" Steve asked waiting to see who this guy that Sam was talking about. 

 *= You feeling better? 

**= I feel shit 

***= It's okay. I will punch that punk for you