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"Steve, she will forgive you. I promise you" Bucky reassured Steve as they were almost nearing Siberia. Steve who was very anxious and didn't know exactly what to say to the younger girl in a different room as he kept walking back and forth in front of Bucky.

"I'm sorry Buck" Steve whispered, running a hand through his blonde hair as he gave Bucky a worried look.

"Sorry for what?" Bucky asked confused at his friend. Steve rubbed his face with both his head in distressed as he still kept on walking around.

"What if she doesn't forgive me?"

"She will"

"How do you know?" Steve stopped in front of his best friend, staring down at him while Bucky was staring up at him.




"Steve." Bucky smirked, watching Steve's face going from confusion to a shade of red.

"Buck..." Steve said sternly in warning which made Bucky smirk in mischief.

"What? It's true." Steve sighed at Bucky as he smiled back at his friend who is struggling to think of what to say to Christina.

"I guess I have to do it from the bottom of my heart" Steve took a deep breath in before giving his friend one more look. Bucky shot up a thumb to Steve as he then left the room to go talk to Christina.

"What a punk..." Bucky whispered to himself, shaking his head as he closed his eyes and tried to relax.

Steve walked quietly and slow towards the room that Christina was resting in. He stopped right in front of the door. His hand becoming sweaty inside his gloves as he stood there, slightly panicking. Steve was scared of being rejected even though throughout his whole life he has been rejected quite a few times; scratch that. A lot of times. Just when he was about to lift his hand to knock on the door like the gentleman he is, he heard a voice inside his head.

"Come in Steve" The calming soft angelic like voice of Christina in his mind made Steve drop his hand and sigh in content of how amazing it sounded in his head. Opening his eyes, he reached for the door handle and opened the door to see Christina as a small ball in the bed. Steve's eyes had softened from the sight in front of him before closing the door and slowly walking his way to the edge of the bed.

"You feeling better?" He asked, pushing a lock of her hair out of her face. Christina, who was still pale and could feel the darkness reaching her heart, softly push Steve's hand away from him as she still felt hurt from him kissing Sharon. Steve felt a bit rejected but still kept his hand near Christina.

"Not as better since you are here..." She spoke softly as Steve sighed, trying to think his words carefully so he wouldn't ruin it even more.



"I know you probably hate me right now..." This made Christina get up slightly. Steve being over protective of Christina quickly help her up and put her in a position where she was leaning against the wall with a pillow behind her back. Steve sat right beside after helping her and continue what he was planning to say.

"As I was saying, you probably hate me right now and it's understandable. I didn't know what came over me and that's a bad thing to say especially after what I did to you. I just felt really betrayed and hurt that you never trust me enough to tell me about Bucky or anything else. I wanted to be the person... that was going to love you and support you no matter how bad your past was." Steve then turned over and grabbed hold of one of Christina's hand. He rubbed his gloved thumb over her knuckles before pulling her hand up to his lips and placing a gentle kiss making Christina blush slightly at the soft gesture.

"I will still love you. One thing I should have always said to you but I just... I just never got the chance to say it or I was never brave enough to say it to you when I should have said it to you for the past few years. I truly regret it. I regret never saying it. I regret never telling you how much you mean to me. I regret never making you mine. I regret kissing someone else who I never even loved because I felt betrayed. I should have just talked to you. I'm..." Christina stared at the super soldier beside her as his beautiful blue eyes began to water, making Christina feel like something was clogging her throat.

"I'm so sorry Christina... I never meant to hurt you... or make you hate me... I'm so sorry..." Steve sniffed, a tear drops down the side of his face, making Christina reach over and wipe it off with her thumb. Steve seemed to lean into her cold hand like how he did before they left to go to Peggy's funeral.

"Steve..." Christina whispered, making Steve lean away from her hand and staring down at her. She stared back at him before biting her bottom lip in thought.

"You hate me don't you?"


Steve stared at Christina in confusion which made her giggle softly before she reached up, running a hand through his soft hair. Steve closed his eyes as it felt relaxing and almost about to fall asleep before Christina stopped. He whined a bit, opening his eyes to see Christina inches away from his face.

"I forgive you Steve..." She whispered with a soft smile before leaning and placing her lips onto his, making Steve flutter his eyes shut. He pulled her closer to him so he could deepen the kiss, causing Christina to fall onto his lap, straddling him. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he felt Christina run a hand from the back of his head making him shiver in delight. After having their make up kiss session, they both pulled away and stared at each other.

"You still have to do a lot to make me want to trust you fully again though... plus I'm still kind of angry" Christina said, getting off the super soldier and sitting beside him, resting her head on his shoulder. Steve leaned his head onto Christina's, wrapping an arm around her to pull her closer to his body.

"After this, how about I take you on a proper date?" Steve asked smiling down at Christina who looked up at him with tired eyes.

"Sure thing. Can we go to the movies?" She asked yawning. Steve rubbed circles on Christina's back as she slowly fell back to sleep.

"Of course. Anything for you, doll face" Christina hearing the last few words from Steve, completely blacked out and fell asleep on him. Steve sighed contently as he watches Christina sleep soundly on his lap now. After a few minutes of savouring this sweet moment, he lifted Christina off his lap and put her in a better sleeping position on the bed.

"Sweet dreams" He whispered, kissing her forehead. Steve pulled the bed covers over Christina's sleeping form before walking out of the room. He then walked back to where Bucky was to see him staring at a wall next to him. Bucky hearing Steve walked in, turned around and gave him a look, suggesting how it went.

"She forgives me" Steve smiled, sounding relieved which made Bucky also smile in relieved.

"I told you so Punk"

"I know you did, Jerk" They smiled at each other before Steve went back to the controls and waited until they finally landed in Siberia where the HYDRA base is.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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