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About a week later, they're both home, both perfectly fine except so tired and so sorry.

They skirt around each other timidly and are overly polite to each other, and Jane's just so done with both Peter and Thomas that she kicks them out.

Her mom baked and brought over a ton of cookies she eats with Jane now, and she's only vaguely worried her apparent future mother-in-law is going to ask her weird questions about her and Thomas and their life and future children's educations.

"He hasn't really asked yet," she tells her, pouring more milk in her glass. "He hasn't said anything about the ring either."

"Men in this family aren't romantic," Jane shrugs, too used to it by now. Except the way she's smiling is thoughtful and reminiscent and she doesn't believe herself when she thinks back on Peter.

"Thomas can be," she almost feels the need to justify, but then there it is -- that look on Jane's face.

She looks torn between curiosity and better not wanting to know, and it's.. it's all Angelica can do to not grin like a lovestruck fool. It's so different than she ever thought it'd be.

She stares out the glass door to the backyard like she's seeing years ago, a little more than eleven, and there's so much she thought would be so.. so not like this that it makes her giggle and cackle like a crazy person, just oddly amazed and awed and so damned lucky here in the world that's been set for her.

Jane stands after a minute of smiling at her chortles, leaning down to kiss the crown of her head. "I can't wait 'till you're legally one of us, not just a hostage," she teases. Because she knows everything, too, she's opening the front door when Thomas and Peter pull up the drive in the ancient car they really need to think about replacing.

They're laughing and shoving at each other like kids, but then Peter and Jane are kissing on the lawn like teenagers while Thomas sorta grimaces, closes the door behind him.

"Angie?" he calls, following his nose to the smell of cookies in the kitchen and exhaling happily when he catches sight of her at the table. "Hey."

"How'd it go," she wants to know, straightening up higher in her chair so she's hugging his waist when he steps into grabbing range.

"He was gonna take me fishing before we decided that was stupid." The corner of his mouth quirks up. "It was pretty good."It was pretty good. He also said to warn you having sex in the old car is, like. Guaranteed pregnancy."

"Did you tell him it wasn't since he's not a grandpa yet?"


"You -- Thomas," she grimaces, scrunching up her face and slapping at his ass. The picture of sexual prowess, he turns red. "Tell me you didn't."

"I don't like to lie to you, sweetheart," he smiles, a moot point since his lies of omission in the name of silence are just as bad, but his face is still in stitches, and his smile is so bright, and it's instinct to curl her fingers through his and follow him up, always up, the stairs to his room. "You know what I always wanted to do in here?"

It takes him a second to carefully tug his shirt up over his head, and then he looks too ridiculous to be seductive all spread out on his twin bed like that.

"Your parents are outside," she says slowly.

"So?" he smirks. And then snorts, shaking his head and scooching against the wall so there's room for her to curl up next to him. "I wanted to ask you something, if now's okay."

The engagement ring on her left hand suddenly feels heavy and purposeful, and she tries to school her face, compose her expression. She's technically already agreed to marry him unspokenly, so this -- fine, just fine. Perfect. "Now's okay," she assures him, nestling into his chest and wrapping her leg around both of his.

He pulls her closer to him, rests his chin atop her head. "I was going to ask you about the ring," he confesses after a minute of just holding onto each other.

She opens her eyes, feels her eyelashes dust against his neck tenderly. She tries to breathe, letting herself be soothed by his rhythmic fingertips slipping up the side of her shirt and ghosting featherlight touches into the waning dips of her ribs. "What about it?"

"You like it?" he mumbles, trying to fight his nervousness. He just kisses her forehead again.

"I like you," she grins, can't help it with how happy she feels, how right this is. "Might even love you," she quips like she doesn't tell him at every turn. There's so much of it pouring out of her, and all he does is yawn through his big, dopey grin.

He catches hold of her hand and twines their fingers together tight, tries to balance on the bed the seconds he's standing and she's giggling away so he won't crush her if he falls. He drops to one knee on the bed because really, by now it's about time they do marry each other. "I already know you'll say yes."

"Do you?" she challenges, arching an eyebrow.

He gives her that look she knows all too well, the one that's half-annoyed and half-in-love and both parts right here, right now, and he lifts her left hand, kisses her knuckle just above the lone solitary diamond marking her his in one more way that's a lot more elegant than a necklace of his teeth bitten into her neck or one of his old shirts hanging nearly to her knees.

It's the easiest, freest thing in the world to say yes. So she does. It sounds a lot like forever, tastes a lot like all their life, a laugh in his throat, her palm in his hands.

His brown eyes are closed, and she's drinking him in, every part of his soul she can't touch with her fingers. "How about tomorrow?" she wonders, only partially serious.

"We should elope, shouldn't we?" he grins, and he laughs, and she giggles into his neck.

Their life is tomorrow.

And it's perfect.

Okay so a couple of things

1) OMG THIS IS OVER!!! I had so much fun writing this, and I hope you all enjoyed it! I hope you'll stay tuned for more things that I write, and I started an imagines/headcanons book as well as an Adopted By Hamilton story but with a twist :). you guys should check them out!

2) THIS GOT OVER A HUNDRED VOTES?????? THANK YOU!!!!! It means so much to me to see how much positive feedback I've gotten. I might return to this book at some point in the future, but for now, the curtains close on this Thomas and Angelica's story.

One last time, thank you and love you all!!

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