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Megatron walked in silence with you in his servo. He stopped in front of a door,and puts four numbers in the key pad


The door opens and he walks in. The room was dull in color,say for the brightly colored trophies from his time fighting for sport,and the small human things on a nightstand.

A bed,blankets,and two large plushies. One a goat,the other a bunny. You gasp in shock,jumping off the servo before Megatron could set you down. Running to the plushies,you pick up the rabbit,it was a grayish blue sort of color,adorable and it came to up to your chin as it rested against the bed. And oh,the bed. The covers were fluffy and gray and purple to fit the colors of the ship,the pillow was fluffy and soft to the touch.

You looked up to Megatron, who was sitting at his desk. You looked at the distance. It was easy to climb from the build. So you jumped up,latching onto the groves and climbing up,you walked over to the lord,who was reading a data pad in one servo,and the other lay on the flat metal. You sheepishly approached the sharpened robotic hand,and hugged it.

Megatron's vents hitched as he looked down from his data pad to you,a shocked expression on his face. You almost pulled away when Megatron picked you up and set you on his shoulder. You nuzzled your face against his and he smiles,it wasn't a evil smile,a smirk. No,it was real,and sweet.


The next few hours was spent staying with Megatron,in his room,on the bridge. Anywhere really.

You grew to like this large war lord,he was gentle and kind with you,perhaps it was because he knew of your pain. But not fully.

"Have you met our scientist?" He asked,glancing down at you,you shake your head,your hair bounced with your movement. He made a small hum,turning right and stood in front of a door."Well,you're about to."he said,the door opened and you gasp in shock.

There stood a bulky bot with one optic and a bulked wire going to his arm from his back. He was much to focused on his work to notice anyone entering his lab. "Shockwave!" Megatron shouts, you yelp,jumping and straightening your back out of habit. Megatron didn't seem to notice or care.

The cyclops looked up from his work he was leaning over,he stands tall,his red optic landing on you. "Lord Megatron. Is there a reason there is a human on your servo?" He asked. "Well,the Autobots had an advantage with their human,so I thought we'd even the odds,do you perhaps have any idea what energon humans tend to consume?" Megatron asked."They have many fuel types,all just as important. Sleep,food,and water. If you require any help findi-"you raised your hand,the bot silenced itself and looked at you.

"Yes?" He asked. "I-I know...w-where to get the f-food and w-water..." You said. "Where would that be?" Megatron asked.

"The store. I-its where y-you go to buy them." You explained. "Store? And what do you intend to trade with these other humans?" Megatron asked. You pulled out your wallet and then fished a dollar out. "I-its a currency,food isn't free." You said. "That's... Idiotic." Megatron said.

"Will contain our larger forms?" Shockwave asked," you can't j-just go walking around! Y-you could g-get hurt,o-or killed! H-humans will a-are not weak,a-and they are not something t-to overlook."you said,Megatron looked at you,his optics looked at your bandaged torso.

He knew a human did this to you. And it angered him. "Shockwave,do you believe there is another alternative than her going alone?" Megatron asked the scientist.

"Give me a few hours,my lord." He bowed,and went to a closet,pulling out two boxes. You watched with awe as he began to work. Shockwave looked up at you,"Do you wish to stay,small femme?"he asked,you looked up at Megatron hopefully. He grumbled,setting you down on the table and walking away.

Shockwave asked you questions of your anatomy, when you asked why,he didn't respond. At one point he looked stumped. "W-whats the m-matter?" You asked. "I need one variable but its not something I am familiar with." He said,his servos in fists on the table as he stood,leaning over the table."W-what is it?"

"The feeling of human skin."he said nonchalantly, you went silent,then gasped," I-I can h-help!"you said. He looked at you, "How? You are...tiny." He motions to you,indicating your size. You puff your cheeks,"Fine...I guess y-you'll n-never know."you huffed,turning away.

"You know the answer?" His voice was a lot closer,you turned back to see he leaned down to be closer to your hight in a way.

You nod."How?"he asked,confused."M-mister Shockwave...I-I'm human. O-or d-did that slip y-your mind?"you said,smiling lightly. "Oh yes...of course. May you explain the texture of skin to me?" He asked. You motion him to give you his hand,he sets it on the table next to you and you put your own hand on his servo.

He went silent,but moved his other hand to gently poke your face,he kept the finger there for a moment to register the texture. He did the same with your arms and legs,and had you explain why some parts of skin were different in color and texture."T-they are scars,l-like the s-scars on Lord M-Megatron's face."you said. He nods,humming slightly.

He removes his servos from you (after a few more pokes,one to your side that made you squeak) and finished up on the device. He called in Megatron, who not long after arrived in the lab.

"So,what does this device do?" Megatron asked. "This is a holoform device. It's better to show than tell."

He transformed to what you think was a sort of...Cybertronian tank...who even fucking knows anymore they are aliens for fucks sake-


A human appeared.

Logic(ShockwaveXAbused!Human!Reader)(CANCELED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang