Author's Note/ Excerpt

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Hi guys,

This is my first ever wattpad story. I'm new to this, I have written many stories before but never thought to publish them for the public to read. I've been on wattpad for awhile now and I've got many ideas, so why not share them? Also, if you don't like my stories please don't make rude comments or hate them. Just simply exit and leave this alone. Its not hard to click a button. Infact clicking a button is easier than posting mean comments.

If you have any questions feel free to ask (:

Also everything in this book is just fiction and purely just my imagination. If some things are inaccurate you could maybe correct me about the correct information but others maybe just made up and isn't a fact. So before anyone judges this please note that tthis is just for fun and nothing else.

copyright of @lolzaharry


Orange, reds and yellows spread across the sky with tints of hazy purples and pinks. The beaming sun was beginning to set as I leaned my head against Harry’s shoulder while his fingers laced in my hair untangling the knots. He planted a soft kiss on my temple as he whispered my favourite words into my ear. “I love you Am”

I closed my eyes absorbing his words as my daydream went on my on. I picture Harry and I in our own little haven where there was nothing but goodness and all things sweet. There would be no tears or fights just tender love. “Am, please tell me you love me too” he choked out and I snapped out of my trance as I faced him looking into his wistful forest green eyes.

I could see that he was longing looking glistening in his eyes that I loved so much. I kissed him passionately on the lips before saying the words he yearned to hear me say. “I love you Harry, so much don’t you ever forget it”

And I meant it, I meant those three words. I’d tell him a million times so he wouldn’t doubt my love for him. I wanted to express my love for him through everything and say it in every language. He was holding me safely in his arms with our fingers intertwined savouring this heavenly moment. Oh how I wish it was like this forever.

Some say that broken hearts and deep open wounds would never heal but I proved them wrong. All my uncertainty and wounds ceased to exist, they are no more. All my scars and wounds have healed. I thought they’d never heal, all the painful holes that were once in my body have closed up. The fragile shattered pieces of my heart have been picked up and put together again. It seemed almost magical and how ever could I be so lucky to received my miracle; Harry. It was the most miraculous thing that has ever happened to me and I couldn’t be more grateful.

He was my safe haven, my healer, my protector, my salvation, my nirvana. With him I was in a place full of peace and serenity, all my fears and worries are non existent and it’s all because of him. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love Harry.

One kiss from him and that was all it took for my pain to go away, one look and I was under his spell, one word from him and he could be my antidote. He was a dream in reality, a reverie to be lost in. He was the perfect reflection of myself and the best version of me. Without him I’d be lost for all time.

I’d love him till the day I die, I’d never forget the way he makes me feel. The adrenaline that pulses through me fuels the inner goddess inside me. He sparks my heart with endless love that I couldn’t keep up.

He’s the subject of all my dreams and desires an enigma in the flesh. God, I love him so much.

In this moment I wish I could freeze time because I’ve never been in such tranquil state with peace on my mind in the arms of my lover. Our love was chaotic and messy and needed so much healing and restoration but that’s what made our love so real and authentic. Some people might think it was unhealthy, others might say it was reckless and foolish but through my eyes it was perfection because I had found my love and forever.

Amery and Harry on the side >>

Instagram: @lolzaharry

Twitter: @lolzaharry

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