35. Fire

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The final bell rung, which signaled the dismissal of class. It had also meant that we were free from this place where ever lasting friendships were made, love is shared and the place where most tragic experiences are.

Only a few more months until I am free from this place that's caused me too many painful memories and tears to count but this is also the place where I've been the happiest at times.

No matter how much I've dreaded coming to this place for years I couldn't help but to be sad that I'll be leaving. I've grown so close with some of the people here that it makes me sad thinking that some of them I'll never see again. I've also had so much experience and made so many mistakes that I will learn from. This place has both been good and bad and to say that this place didn't drive me insane was an understatement.

Honestly high school sucks. It really does but soon I'll be graduating and going to University. I still haven't heard back from any of the university's I have applied for but hopefully it'll be soon.

I made my way to my locker to retrieve my bag. I was excited to go home and later on tonight I'll be seeing Harry. He said that he'd take me out to dinner and I was beyond ecstatic. Even though I just saw him a few days ago I'm always happy to see Harry. Who knows when I'll ever meet someone like him again so I'm trying to take every opportunity I get to be with him.

A few nights ago where we confessed our love for each other, that was probably the best night of my life. Never in my life have I felt so wanted and love.

When I look at him all I see is the world, he's my world and everything around me is just a dark painting in black and white and he's the bright sun illuminating everything.

As I was walking out of the school looking at my previous texts from Harry I heard a faint voice call my name. I didn't really care who it was, I was too engrossed in rereading Harry's and I messages, which made a smile creep onto my face.

The voice was heard again only much louder calling my name. I knew that voice, it was him. I groaned annoyed shoving my phone into my pocket before turning around. My eyes were locked hard into cerulean blue eyes, which I once looked at with love or so I thought. I stopped in my tracks as I waited for him.

"Amery" he said breathing heavily probably from running after me. I was really not in the mood to talking to him right now. I'm still angry at him for kissing me at the party. He had no right, he had his chances and he abused them. He made me feel special. I thought he was good but he was no different from the rest. I could never look at him like the way I look at Harry.

"What do you want Darren?" I asked annoyed that he was still trying to get me to forgive him. I was going to forgive him but never would I get back with him but then he kissed me and from then on I didn't think I'd ever be able to forgive me. He already broke my heart and the fact that he thought just kissing me would fix everything was what drove me wild. He obviously wasn't thinking and I wasn't in the mood to argue right now.

"Will you just let me explain myself?" he asks.

"What else would you like to say?" I ask angrily.

He stood there not saying a word looking stunned. I huffed before walking away but he grabbed my wrists digging his nails into my skin. I flinched at the slight pain before yanking my wrists out of his grip.
"I'm so sorry, for hurting you, for kissing you-just for everything I've done"

"Darren, stop talking. Of course you hurt me, a lot and I know you're sorry. I'm just not in the mood to talk right now I hope you understand" I say. I know he's sorry for what he's done. I could tell by the way he looked. In his eyes weren't the spark that used to be there. It was just a cold blue that always looked down.

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