Part 18

575 9 4

(Present) 1984
I sat there staring at mother base thinking "how did we regrow this base in just a few months". I stared off into the depths that were the water surrounding the area. After a few minutes I went to see if there was a mission. I walked down and heard gun shots.

Wait... Not gun shots... Those are fireworks.

"Happy birthday..." Came the collected voices of my comrades and staff. They had a cake and were singing. After all that has happened I forgot that it was my birthday. I blew out the candles and ocelot handed me a cigar. I thanked them and talked time away...

Few hours later...

I was just walking when a sniper shot came out of nowhere... I looked to see a crate next to me filled with cigars. I looked up and saw quiet using her sniper... I grabbed the cigar ocelot gave me put it in my mouth and tilted my head to the side... (CRACK) a shot fired and lit my cigar. I puffed and shook my head as thanks as she shifted away... Huh not a bad birthday after all...

Sorry for the wait I was going to post this in September because it was close to my birthday but I just felt that maybe no one was reading this so i didn't put it up. Fast forward and now I see people more and more reading this story and I felt like I should at least finish what I started. That also doesn't mean cheaping out on creativeness or passion. See you soon and good night. (Plus merry xmas 😉)

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