Queen Clarissa's Rooms - CHAPTER 1

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A little staff girl comes careering around the corner, skidding to a halt in front of Aairo and I. "Cook has made too many cakes a-" Before she can finish her sentence, Aairo is off like a rocket, leading the way to the kitchen. "Come on, Jacin. You know that no one makes cakes like Cook." He calls. That is true, I think.

As I round the wall, I see something out of the corner of my eye. The girl was in front of the picScreen, across from the entrance to Queen Clarissa's room. It seemed she was ushering out someone from behind the curtains either side of it. No, make that two someones. I watched in amazement as they stood just before the Queen's door, ready to open it.



Carter and Effie are arguing, or to be accurate, Effie is telling Carter he has to unlock the door and Carter is being a coward big time. Effie then gives me the look and I stop ping-ponging between the two of them, and honed in on Carter. Making my eyes go really wide, I smiled at Carter. "Come on Carter," I then face the light and made my eyes go even wider, while the light is making them sparkle. It usually worked on boys, and it certainly works on Carter; He turns a few different shades of pink, before settling on a sunset pink. But the colour is far from normal. "For me?" I ask sweetly.

"O-Okay. But only for a minute." I nod and give him a reassuring smile. Carter then walked to the door and pressed his hand over top of the keyhole. His face was all scrunched up, like a pug's bum as he murmured a spell. There was a humming sound before a loud CLICK!   What was inside?



Clarissa heard the clicking of the guards boots as they marched away, before there were raised voices, arguing. It seemed it was two against one, on whatever topic they were talking about. Before long, the arguing had stopped and silence filled the air. Then, without warning, light began glowing through her keyhole. Clarissa, shocked, stood and then ran into the other room, where she stood, listening next to the closet that was meant to keep her safe if an emergency ever happened; This was certainly an emergency, no doubt about that. The robbers probably expected to break in and the Queen would just be sitting there, reading the news on a ProPad, and look up and say "Oh, good morning, the valuable photographs are over there, take anything you want." And carry on reading.

Clarissa was visibly shaking as she bent down next to her bed and grabbed the steel reinforced bag, that blended into its surroundings. Tip-toeing, the Queen then crept back to the closet and slid inside. Just in time, because there was a what sounded like someone breaking the lock, and multiple feet filing into the room. Whimpering, she pushed her back against the wall and felt for the paper files in her bag, except they weren't there.



Effie walks in, without a second glance back, Carter and I trailing after her. My first impression is that this room isn't as grand as I expected. The room we have entered is a large, spacious room that houses a desk and hoverchair, massage bed and other bits of furniture, that I know from my lessons, were used in what was known as a "living or dining room" in the twenty-first century. A holofire sits in front of the furniture, on the far wall, below a ScreenDevice. But what Effie is interested in, is not the period furniture or the ScreenDevice playing the news, but pages of paper scattered on the floor. Paper is hardly ever used anymore, because it can so easily get destroyed, so nowadays, technology stores all the information we need. A gasped, she knelt down on the floor next to them and shakily picked them up. Effie's face was unrecognizable as she read them, her face turning to stone.

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