Little Brown

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Once long ago, when life was new and time was not old, there was an island. Well, to be exact, there were two islands. And on these islands were lush forests, filled with dense bush and an abundance of species. Amongst these species lived a bird. It was small and plain; nothing special with its brown, gray and white coloured plumage, extremely capable of blending in with its surroundings.

All the other birds used to laugh at the 'Little Brown Bird' because he didn't have the bright colouring of the Kea or the Takahē and he certainly didn't have a fancy name like the Hōkioi.

"Hey, Little Brown!" The Morepork called

"Yeah?" Little Brown replied

"Wanna come and play tag with-" He asked.

"No," Tīeke said. "He is too plain and boring to play with us!"

Little Brown as down in the dumps and fed up with being his boring old self, so he went to visit Kōkako, the wisest bird in the whole forest. "What can I help you with?" Kōkako queried. Little Brown sighed. "I am sick of being boring; I want to be spectacular!"

Kōkako told him to come back tomorrow and that there would be a solution. But what Little Brown didn't know, was that the Falcon had also been to see Kōkako. She had done something very bad and wanted to redeem herself. Kōkako had also told Falcon to come back tomorrow, as there would be a solution.

The next day, early in the morning, Falcon and Little Brown turned up at the tree stump where Kōkako told them to meet. Falcon looked Little Brown up and down, before snootily putting her beak up into the air. Kōkako started explaining to the two birds the other's situation. "...And so, I have decided that Falcon, some of your wing feathers will be given to Little Brown as punishment. And Little Brown, you will get Falcon's feathers. They can be inserted into your tail." Little Brown's face was one of surprise and delight, while Falcon's was one of disgust and outrage.

So that's exactly what happened; Little Brown got Falcon's feathers and Falcon was punished for her bad deeds, because what goes around comes around. She flounced off, flying to her friends eight trees away, where they were playing.

So what happened to Little Brown you might ask? Well, he is no longer known as Little Brown, but by a much more elegant name. Fantail. Named after his tail made from the feathers from Falcon. Even today you can see the feathers as the Fantail flits about to-and-fro between the trees and across the grass. He's showing his new found beauty. Better not be too vain, or else he might have Falcon's fate.


These are New Zealand birds, that are mentioned in this story. Go search them up!  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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