It gon be gr8, edits conming soon

92 2 0

Tamatoa scratches a branacle on his well-maintained smooth face. "what did you come here to do, anyways?" hisb cold glare

"MM ye wasnted that crab butt my dude"

"O, well in that case

Tamatoa gets a chain and puts it around your neck "Now you';re beautioful baby"

HE sytarts singing something probabyl fricked yop

"Kawaii fo your senpai" he touched your face and his fingers make this smooh swipe across you ike hea on tinder 

wuah youre so amazined because hes hoptr


"Yo ahyaha hcan i hacve that crab butt bnw plz really need it""

"No you have to watcbn eme danc eor soem crap


Heh Tamatoa is goind some fish roleplay stuff

he flips his hair


a T8itanix recenfmtce 

ocena rot

seaweed typing up your hands

salt water smeells and soem crappy whale noises ar you gaet to bang that crab 



hot gay epoeple music 

Tama is really ripeed but ina  skinny way beause hes my bio6y and he shoudl move like a slinky but also a fish

does crab sh8t 

otherkin tyo annyo people who are rude

crab skin re4fednmce 

gay ocean crap under the sea mwa hahaa hot boy with seaweed eating crab meat heuheue 

Tamatoa xreaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum