Tamatoa X Tarkan

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Tamatoa walks into the bright thrift store. His thick platform Japanese Vans create a smooth swish across the secondhand dust on the floor.  Tamatoa has not come here for a purchase, he has come to the small Value Village to find a boyfriend (or as he had fibbed to his manager, "inspiration.")

The skinny crab human has spent 15 minutes pretending to look at clothes, and his impatient side is getting the better of him. It may have been that he came in the back door instead of the regular entrance. He only did that to avoid any possible fans of his modelling career. Tamatoa wants someone who sees him as more than an aesthetic, and in a place where the average Gucci shirt was $5 (due to the out-of-touch workers), the beautiful ocean-themed man knows there will be such a guy. Tama takes out his amethyst fidget spinner to take the edge off. His eyes dart to the four directions of the store. The Feng Shui is especially terrible in this one. 

The thin crabkin dude plays with one of the diamonds on the spinner. He hates how spoilt he feels. Not because of the spinner, because he feels a certain rush of entitlement in acquiring a boyfriend. Thousands would love to have a dude like him, would kill to include such beauty on a very civil dude in their lives. Yes, Tamatoa not only thinks of himself as a model, but as a model human as well. As much of a human as he is... The spinner suddenly falls out of Tama's hands and slides across the shiny thrift store floor. 

The beautiful crabkin watches his expensive fidget toy come to a soft landing at the indigo Converse of someone near the changing rooms. Tamatoa speedwalks as to not bring attention to himself, and by the time his rushed feet got to his beloved amethyst object, he sees a camera crew along with the indigo shoe guy. The model of many varied hair colours swipes his dollike hand over the fidget spinner, but his shoe slips and Tamatoa falls right on the director. 

A curly-haired Turkish man smiles down at Tamatoa. "You alright, m'dude?" He offers a hand. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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