Vera & Me

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*My P.O.V*

I'm getting ready to board the plane to New York . I'm nervous , it's my first time on a plane by myself .

" Flight 12 to the gate , flight 12 to the gate . " I hear the announcer say over the intercom .

I head to gate 12 , go through one last security check , hand in my ticket , and walk onto the plane . I'm in seat 4 A , my dad thought it would be more fun to be in first class , but I could care less .

I sat down , and who ever I'm supposed to be sitting by isn't here yet . I get out my phone and check my messages . There's one new one from my mom

" Can't wait to see you ! "

I didn't reply . I'm flying to New York to see my mom for the summer . I really wish I didn't have to go , but my dad insisted . I put in my headphones , and check my twitter .

I'm scrolling through my twitter feed when I saw someone sit next to me . I looked up and holy hell . It was Vera Farmiga . I was in shock . She looked over at me .

" Hello . " and smiled .

" Hi , I'm a huge fan of yours . I'm Alexis . " I said trying to contain myself .

" Thank you ! As you may know , I'm Vera . "she smiled and took out her phone .

" So , where are you staying when we land ? " She asked me not looking up from her phone .

" With my mom , but I dread going . "

" Why's that ? " She asked .

" Me and my mom have never really gotten along very well . "

" Oh . I'm sorry to hear that . "

A few minutes passed and the pilot came over the speakers .

" This is your captain speaking , please turn off all electronic devices until we are in the air . I will turn off the seatbelt sign when we have accelerated 30 , 000 ft . "

Vera and I fastened our seatbelts and watched as the plane lifted into the air . She grabbed my hand .

" Sorry , it's only the taking off part that scares me a little . "

" It's alright , it's not my favorite either . "

When we reached 30 , 000 ft , the pilot turned off the seatbelt sign and Vera let go of my hand . She got out her phone again and started texting her husband , Renn .

" You guys are so cute . "

" What ? --- Oh thank you . He's a sweet goofball . "

I giggled slightly .

" So , you really don't want to stay with your mom , huh ? "

" Not at all . She's a druggy , and I hate her boyfriend . "

" Well , you could stay with us if you'd like . If your parents didn't care , and your okay with toddlers running around the house . "

" Really ? You'd do that for me ? I mean , we just met , and I wouldn't want to be a third leg . "

" No , really it's alright . "

" Okay , if you're sure . I can text my parents and tell them . "

" Go right ahead , and if they need to talk to me , I'll be happy to . "

I texted my mom first , figuring it would be the easiest .

" Mom , I don't want to stay with you . "

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