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I was so sick to my stomach. I couldn't believe I was actually leaving.

I texted Renn because I realized I hadn't gotten the chance to say bye to everyone.

"Tell Gytta & Fynn & everyone that I'll see them again, hopefully soon."

"I'll tell them. Don't forget to call V when you land."

"Thanks, I won't."


It was late when I landed back in California.

My dad was waiting at baggage claim.

"Have fun?" He asked.

"Way more fun then I would've had with mom." I told him.

"Well alright. You ready to go home?" He asked.

"I guess."


I got home, and went to my bedroom.

I immediately called Vera. Ignoring the fact that they were three hours ahead.

It was 10:00PM their time. They were surely awake.

I dialed Vera's number and waited as it rung.

"Hello?" It was Vera.

"Hi." I said.

"Oh hi! Was your flight okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. But I felt like I was gonna throw up the whole time." I told her.

"Oh I'm sorry. I wish you would've been able to stay longer." She told me.

"Yeah me too. I miss you guys already." I laughed. "How am I supposed to cope?"

She giggled slightly. "I honestly don't know how any of us are gonna cope now." She said. "Well babe. It's late here, and you're probably worn out. I'm gonna go. Try and get some sleep. Thanks for calling. I love you Łex. I'll probably end up texting you tomorrow." She laughed. "Goodnight."

I laughed. "Okay. I love you too. Goodnight."

I hung up.


HAHHAHAHAHAAH VERY short chapter but the next chapter is going to be MARVELOUS thanks to Jaymie😏

Follow her on twitter! -@Jaymie174

Follow her on IG! -@farmigafans

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