Getting Hectic

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The alarm wakes me up at 4:30 AM . I already have my bag packed , and all I have to do is grab some extra stuff , and get dressed .

We have to be at the airport at 5:30 , the plane leaves at 6:00 .

Renn peeks into my bedroom to make sure I'm awake , I can hear Gytta and Fynn running through the hall , and Vera tells them to follow her to her bedroom , so she can get them ready .

I get dressed , throw some extra things in my bag , and go downstairs .

I make a bowl of cereal , and try to eat quickly before Gytta and Fynn come down to the kitchen .

As soon as I put my dishes in the sink , Gytta and Fynn come darting down the stairs , and sit at the table .

I make them they're cereal , and go upstairs to brush my teeth .

Renn calls from downstairs

" Vera , Lex ! Let's go ! "

" Coming ! " I call down from the bathroom .

I meet Vera in the upstairs hallway , and we walk down to the kitchen .

" Everyone have everything ? " Vera asks .

" Yeah . " I reply .

" Yup , I got Fynn's things , you have Gyttas ? " He asks Vera .

" Yup . Lets go . " She says .

I take Gytta in my arms , and Fynn holds my hand , Renn takes my things and carries them , along with his and Fynn's .

We get in the car , and head to the airport .


* OKAY . Sorry for the long ass wait . This is hopefully getting ready to get a little more entertaining .*


The five of us board the plane at 5:30AM .

Renn , Gytta and I sit in a three person row , Vera & Fynn sat in a two person row across from us .

Renn and I argued over who got the window seat on the way to the airport , I won .

The plane took off from the JFK airport , and once we were in the air , Fynn and Gytta started coloring in they're coloring books .

I took out my phone , and saw a message from Jaymie .

" What are doing , bitch ? "

I laughed when I read it .

" I'm on a plane . Watching Renn eat animal crackers like an oaf . "

" Lmao . Tell him to smile and send me a picture . "

I turned my phone towards Renn , and Vera saw it .

" Guys , look at the camera . " She told Fynn and Gytta .

They looked over and made silly faces .

I sent the picture to Jaymie .

" Aw . Omg . Look at Gyttas face ! Her and Vera are identical ! "

" Haha I know , ain't they cute ? "

" Most definitely . I have to go , I have netball , just wanted to see what you were up to girly . Have fun ! Bye . "

" Alrighty , bye . "

I kiked Mackenzie and Kelsey in a group message and sent them the picture with the caption

" They smoked crack before they got on . BZZZZ . "

Mackenzie replied back first .

" Even Gytta and Fynn ? Lmao . "

" No , they had too much apple juice haha . "

Kelsey replied back .

" WHAT . That's freaking adorable . "

" I know . I was just gonna take a picture of Renn , but V saw it and told Fynn and Gytta to look at me . "

" Aw . Well I hope your having fun ! "

" Thanks , boo . I am . "

Mackenzie ---

" Well , I have to go to work so I'm gonna go . Looks like fun , don't cause too much shit wherever your going . Haha . "

" I won't . Lol . Bye . "



-- Mackenzie

Twitter - @kenzleclaire

IG // - @farmigasm

-- Kelsey

Twitter - @farmigoats

IG // - @ohmyfarmiga

-- Jaymie

Twitter - @jaymie174

IG // - @farmigafans


We arrive at Vancouver airport. We all flew out with Vera so she could film Bates Motel.

There's a few paparazzi, nothing too big, and Max Theriot was waiting for us at baggage claim. Which I thought was weird, but I went with it.

"Oh hey, your Alexis right?"Max asked me.


"Cool. Nice to meet you." He reached out his hand, and I shook it.

"Do you watch Bates allot? " He asked me.

"When it's on, yes." I told him.

"Your in for some fun. Maybe they'll let you co-direct." He laughed.

"Hopefully. Then I get to yell at you guys." I said.

We walked out to the cars. We had to rent one.

I rode with Renn, Vera, and the kids. Max followed behind us to the set.


*I'm skipping kinda far ahead*🙊

The director yells action, and I watch Vera's every move. The way she walks, her hand motions, the sound in her voice I pay attention to, everything she does.

I looked over at Renn, and he was smiling as he watched his girl do what she does best.

The director called cut and that was it for the night.

*They shot seven, 13 minute scenes*

Vera came over to Renn and I.

"Would you guys want to go out to eat with us?" She asked us.

"Who's us?" Renn asked.

"Well me, Olivia, Freddie, Max, and Nestor."

"Sure. Sound good to you?" Renn looked at me.

"Yup." I replied.


We got everyone together, and had to figure out who was going with who.

"I'm riding with Vera!" I shouted.

Olivia drove with Freddie and Max, and Renn drove with Nestor.

It was just me and Vera, we followed Olivia, and Renn followed us.


When we got to the restaurant, we sat at a table for seven.

I sat between Renn and Vera.

Everyone ordered, ate, and then we just kinda sat around and talked for a while.

We headed back to set to grab our things, and head to the hotel we were all going to be staying at.

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