The push back

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The professor opens his eyes looks up it's too bright so he covers his eyes with his hand " I"he says trying to gain his barrings "don't worry sir your perfectly safe" a soldier called Mickey says " head" he says in pain "ohh ya sorry about that" the soldier says nicely "how's it going out there" the professor says faidly "pretty good the general might be able to push the lines back but he needs all the help he can get so if it's not too much trouble could you make something to hold them back or kill them?" Mickey says "yes but I need time I will say three hours" the professor says "ok sir" Mickey walks over to another soldier guarding the door and tells him something the soldier says "yes sir" and runs out off the room Mickey walks back to the professor and says "let's get started can I help?" "Yes you can, can I have one of your granaides and I need you to guard the door" he said before rushing to a desk Mickey says that they brought all his chemicals two and a half hours go by and the professor is done three hours go by when the shooting stops a the professor hears the soldiers scream "WE DID IT!!!" And "YEA!!!" The professor new they won.

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