One: Memories

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I have been around for as long as I can remember...

When this realm, Earth, was created, it was empty and dark, at first. The Creator, her herself, put me into a position where I would bring life, but also death.

I remember how empty the world was. It was so big & dark. That's all I knew, when I was put here. But I remember how unforgettable and breathtaking the stars were. So many, so beautiful yet strange, I thought. I wasn't use to any of it, if I'm being completely honest. I was quite intrigued even though there wasn't much to look at. But it was comfy. Even though it was dark, I didn't find it in the least unsettling or scary. I welcomed it because I know that my Creator made the dark for a reason.

Because even the most scariest thing could hold so much more beauty, than what meets the eye.

And before you know it...

There were tree's, water, rain, snow and many other things. I could give life. I could make the trees as tall as the sky, make plants bloom, give them water.

What intrigued me the most was the water. It was something I could touch, but couldn't hold. It was a formless shape and I couldn't stand it on it or sit on it. I was so compelled to look further into it. I loved how cold it was, how deep the formless water could go. It was like an endless void. The deeper you went, the darker it got and the more colder you would become. But it didn't bother me. It was comforting. It was quiet down here. It was always quiet, but a more time-to-think kind of thing.

One day... the most interesting thing happened. An animal, had made its way in the realm. Something the Creator had made, I thought. I saw a deer, it was the most beautiful thing I had seen ever since my time being here. I was excited seeing something new finally coming. It hid in the shades of the tree. Just barely making its way on the warm sand. I watched as they deer began feasting on the plants and grass. My eyes were the only thing above the water, as I swayed my body to keep myself up.

I wanted to go closer to the beast.

I wanted to touch the beast. Speak to it, if possible. I have never made any contact with anything as far as I have traveled. I slowly made my way to the beast, I didn't want to scare it away. As I made my way on the warm sand I had set my vision on this creature.

As soon as I took a step forward, the creature looked up at me. It stood it's ground, uncomfortable at the fact that I'm something its never seen before. I take another step smiling with reassurance.

"It's alright, I will not being any harm to you." I said, my voice low and soft. I reached my hand out for the beast to acknowledge my smell.

It took one step as I lifted one foot out of the sand and finally on the grass. We grew closer and closer, as I finally touched the door. It kneeled on one of it's legs, I smiled. I began petting this peaceful creature. Humming softly. Plants grew near and made some kind of flower crown and a tree sat it down on my head. More creatures started to merge from a single drop of water that fell from the sky where the Creator stays. I started to see all kinds of animals arise from the sand and make it's way to me.

Tigers, zebras, giraffes, hyenas, butterflies-anything I could see was here, all surrounding me. Some roaring out of dominance, some calling as some kind of announcement. Some of the smaller animals layed on my lap, while the larger one's sat beside me or stood.

"Hello, Creator's creations. I am Orisa, Creator's very first creation. I bring life. It is very nice to meet you all." I say with a genuine smile.

"It is nice to meet you, also Goddess Orisa." A fox says, in an angelic voice all while kneeling before me. They all repeat while saying my name in unison.

"Goddess Orisa?" I say to myself, almost in an questioning way. I am no God. Surely, they have mistaken me for someone of such a title.

"Yes, that's right, Goddess Orisa. You are God- well close to one. You are more like the Creator's personal helper, and soon there will be many more who share powers, like you. But each one who is born, will each have different unique powers."

The fox says, her voice echoing in the distance.

"Is that so, Miss fox?" I ask, gesturing my hand out to touch her. She comes closer and I scratch behind her ear.

"Well, I suppose for now, I'll wait." I smile looking at the sky, thinking about how many more Creator's personal helpers will come and create life, too.

Goddess Orisa Meets The God of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now