Eleven: A Neverending Nightmare

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Today's sunny as always. I feel the light breeze caress my face and I take it in consideration as I'm not the one that favors warmth.

"I can't take it anymore. I tried, but it's too damn hot for all this." In all honesty, I did try. But I just can't stand warm weather, I burn up and start to feel tired and I don't like that feeling at all.

I like when it's cold. It eases my nerves, it makes me forget that I have so much on my shoulders and the thoughts that come to haunt me.

That dream always comes to haunt me.

Flashback to dream~

"My child, You will never be one of them. You are like no other, you will be annihilated sooner or later. . . Your time will come where you will be alone, it is your destiny."

"But why must I be alone? What have I done wrong?" I ask, I feel constricted and confused to what it means.

"But why must I be alone? What have I done wrong?" I ask, I feel constricted and confused to what it means

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The being looked old and wise, like it's been here for as long as I have been, maybe even longer. It had a deer-like head with gray and black wool that covered him all the way till his legs and arms. He had extra limbs that loathed against his back that looked like stingers to worn off prey. He gave an eerie, ominous aura that could scare just about anyone, but not me. I was use to that aura because I am made of it.

I live in the shadows and I know what that feeling is like better than anyone else. I've grown quite fond of the feeling of being feared rather than fearing others.

"I've seen you grow, child. You are misunderstood by those around you. They lack the desire to understand you." He says with such a deep raspy voice that sounds like many hide in that body of his. Hmm, he must be a shadowling.

A shadowling is a shadow figure that dwells in the shadows which can turn into a patch of shadow or as a humanoid figure, particularly as interpreted by believers in the paranormal or supernatural world to believe to be the king of deception by tricking all living things by turning into their loved ones and tricking them; luring them into the dark forest to devour their prey.

"Go away, Shadowling. I have no business talking to something like you. You only bring misery and death." I tell him as I walk away.

"And do you not do the same? I'm just doing what's in my nature. But you, you deny your own fate. . . Your own destiny." He says while he's on all fours, hunched like a beast who's ready to pounce. He looks at with those intense yellow eyes.

"You speak of filthy lies, shadow demon. I know what my destiny holds for me. I . . I will not let my darkness overcome me and allow it to take over myself!" I try and deny the awful truth.

I know. I know what is to come of me. I am too different from the the other gods. I am no where near them in personalities--I'm too monotone and unapproachable. I love the cold and my power grows more when it's night time. I reek of an unfamiliar scent that makes others shiver and freeze in their stance. I am but a walking hallow she'll with one purpose--to do my duty.

"You know the truth, child. I am but mere messenger to warn you of what may lie ahead." Suddenly, the shadowling starts to walk away and my vision becomes blurry.

"Wait, where are you going?" I try and walk towards the shadowling, but I am unable to

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"Wait, where are you going?" I try and walk towards the shadowling, but I am unable to. I try and use my senses and ears to guide.

"This is where our journey ends. We shall meet again. But this time, in the physical realm. I'll be watching over you."

And just like that, the dream ended.

I lay my knees close against my chest  and start to ponder if I should go look for the odd shadowling myself or wait for him to come to me.

"What seems to be troubling you my lady?" Mrs. Fox comes to sit by me.

"Oh nothing. Just a strange dream."

"May I ask what kind, My lady?"

"One that should never be told."

"Oh dear, what should we do, My lady?" Mrs. Fox gets up, and sense her worried tone and facial expression which I take into consideration.

"Be not afraid, my child. I will try and find out why I'm having this bad dream."

"But how, My lady?"

"That I am not sure yet. From here, j don't where to go, but I'll find the answer someday." The wind start to caress my cheek over so slowly and j knew it was going to be a good day.

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