─TWO ( ❛❛ BOMBSHELL.❜❜ )

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1959 ─ chapter two.

"Oh, um...." Bonita muttered in a state of suprise, before turning her head around hoping to see Gordie. Gordie walked up to Bonita, before seeing who she was looking at.

"Oh, my god. Teddy?" Gordie says, looking at Teddy's attire and how he looked like now. Bonita was still stunned at the unexpected return of Teddy Duchamp. She remembers the last time she saw him at the 8th grade graduation.

He looked a little old, also. He had small wrinkles around his nose. The only thing that mostly made him look different, was the mole he used to have on the right side of his nose, but it wasn't there anymore.

"What a suprise to see you here, Lachance. I thought you moved out of town," Teddy spoke, as he took a seat near the window.

Bonita still didn't say anything; she just gazed at him. I mean, it's obvious to look at someone who you never seen or spoke to in 23 years.

Gordie walked up to him, as if he was about to sucker punch him in the face. Instead, he took a seat beside Teddy, and it actually suprise Bonita, making her assume he forgot how he switched up on them when the 6th grade year was over.

"Bunny, long time, no see." Teddy cracked a smile, but Bonita gave a blank face at him. "Why won't you take a seat?" He asked.

Bonita walked towards where the boys were sitting and sat on the other side of the window. "So, you finally had the balls to speak to us after going MIA for 23 years?" Bonita brought up in a bothered way.

"And good morning to you, too," Teddy ignored her bothered statement.

Bonita gave a annoyed scoff, before looking out the window. "So...you guys heard about what happened with Chris?" Teddy brought up.

"We know!" Bonita bellows at him, which made both of them look at her as if she lost her mind. "You know what? Let's not speak about his death, let's just...you know, speak about who he was and the memories we shared with him." Gordie tried to calm things down.

"I don't want to." Teddy sincerely says, which made Bonita puzzled.

"And why is that?" Bonita inquires.

"I just don't want to, okay? I mean, yeah he is gone, but I won't forget the things he did to me before the 8th grade even started!"

"And what was it?"

"The time when he turned his back on me!" Teddy responded with a lie, a really big fat dirty lie.

"What?" Bonita and Gordie both says in unison, both in a state of shock and perplexity. They recall Teddy and Vern suddenly turning his back on him once 6th grade was ending, and started to hang around with another crew once the 7th grade started.

And that crew was arch enemies with Chris, Gordie, and Bonita.

"No, I did not just hear you say that! You and Vern turned your backs on us when the 6th grade was over!" Bonita bellows with the truth, while a few people in the diner looked over the table where they sat in disturbance.

"We had a reason too! Me and Vern felt that you guys were going against us! You didn't want to speak to us during lunch, didn't want to hang out after school, and you guys didn't even bother to ask us to hang out during the summer!" Teddy kept on explicating lies.

"You know what? Why won't you just leave this diner and don't come back for another 23 years?" Bonita was fed up with him, he just came back into Bonita's and Gordie's life after a 23 year hiatus and already begun an episode of The Young and The Restless.

1959 > STAND BY ME.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora