The Betrayal

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We landed on the beach near Roanoke and I heard something not kind. It was the sound of bad people which was never good (from my recent visit from Panama) I knew something was up. As we sneaked towards where the colony was we saw the colony but.....not the right people "Great bad guys." Said Andras. Andras was born in 1979 and was born into a poor Welsh family in Ireland sad for him, he was cousins of Zack. Anyways in school he was bullied because his family didn't even have money for school supplies so nobody cared for him, which this made him depressed....and very angry. When he was 12 in middle school he got rejected by a girl he really loved and so well, he became a strong man and at the time his entire family was dead killed by some robber who didn't find any money (and you should know why) after he trained he noticed the girl's father was that murderer/ robber. He had revenge for his family's death killing the man's entire family with just his bare hands and killed the murderer last so then, when he was 15 he was a thief and had a...let's say unique charm with the ladies so then after his thefts he became a mercenary for hire at the age of just 18 in '97 and then now he is 38 and with us....great. I looked at the guards on the tower and walls. Once the time was right we went into this fort and there was a hole where Zack was, I bet he saw us. So once he went into the hole with his guards we followed shortly going down the wire slowly waiting until he left into the cave and that he did and into another hole "What is this place?" Guest6 asked looking around and so did Andras, " Your right also have lovely hair." Andras said with a now thick Welsh accent "Pay attention!" I said angrily.

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