A "friend returns"

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Me and my friend Rose where looking at artifacts in a museum in Britannia and then....Mike came, supposed to be dead..."Shark. Old friend..." Mike said as I grabbed his collar saying "What do you want Sherman?" I was pissed at him for showing his face here, Rose came by and calmed me down. "I see you two have history, so. Mike right? What do y-" Mike interrupted her kissing her hand with Rose blushing and me asking, "What. Do. You. Want?" I said doing that to my friend's (I guess) girlfriend, and all he said was "Egypt, Homanoptra." (Idk how to spell the Mummie's city of the dead. Isn't it like Humomaptra? Plez tell me) I looked at Rose and we both nodded going to Egypt's the city of the dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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