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Jace held my hand and said , " I've come back only for you Angela.        And now that you are 19 ........ I guess we can you know......um...." He stopped abruptly.

" Yes", I said and held his hand .


Jace's face lit up, I saw a twinkle in his eyes.  Maybe this how it's supposed to be ...... but it's kinna scary too.

Maybe I shouldn't think so much.          Jace picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room from the back of the mansion.   He knew all the ways in our place so there was no need to tell him about the directions.  

On the way he kept giving me a caring  and loving  look every now and then.      I felt special, very special.  

We reached my room and he locked my room's door. Dimmed the lights and slowly walking closer to my bed where he earlier got placed me.

He gently pushed me back on my bed and climbed over me and caged me with his muscular arms.  His perfume was making me dizzy. He smashed his lips on mine.  He was a good kisser, he knew what he was doing ,   I let myself to get carried away in the flow.         He then started to kiss my nape and further went on deep leaving marks behind.   I let out a soft moan and started breathing hard. Something about our actions was making me gasp for air. 
He kissed me again and this time let his tongue explore in my mouth. My hormones exploding. 
But something feels so wrong...........

He held on to my waist and placed himself between my legs and began pulling on my frock to get it off. Still kissing my nape , I felt his hand travel down to my bare thigh. He rubbed up and down my exposed skin and his kisses got  sloppier and quicker.

I suddenly felt his hand leave my thigh and cupping my clothed womanhood.    

This got me really uncomfortable.
"Stop.... Please"  I said in a quivering voice . " Why babe? Am I not giving it to u alright?  You want it hotter?" His head lifted from my neck and I find him with a cocky smirk.   

" I'm not ready for this, Jace I don't like it . Please stop." My eyes watering . " But I didn't even start . And tell you what .... I like it so far. So no I ain't stopping ", His answers simply left me speechless. It made me see him for what he was.

I started struggling really hard. But he was stronger. But I somewhat managed to bite his hand off and slap him really hard on his cheek. 

He immediately got away from clutching his hurt cheek.  " What the fuck, Bitch.  Why did you slap me ? "
" You were forcing me !!" I yelled.
" You slut, you said you wanted it. And i know what your sorry ass thinks about this.  It ain't love bitch.      We will get married anyways because of our parents business. You thinks someone like me, would like someone as ugly as u ?  Die bitch... just die!!"
He slams the door as he storms out of my room.

I sit there speechless. A sad pain clenched my heart. My eyes trying to let go of the tears.

Don't worry Jace you won't have to marry me. I'll make sure of that.

I got up and went to my washroom.  I washed my face and changed to my night wear.

I will talk to dad tomorrow.. for now go to sleep bitch.
May I die in my sleep ......... but I'm not so lucky .
Anyways. Goodnight myself.


A truly OUCH.
Tell me if you want Jace to be a good guy or not ? 
Trust me I'm confused at THAT certain point ....🤐?!

Signing off

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