The Falling

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It was all platonic in the beginning.
When I first looked at you and thought that
Never in a million years would a boy like you
Go for a girl like me.
Not saying I didn't like you.
In fact, I did. I was just shielding myself
From a past of fickle hearts,
And a future of tears and heartbreak.
So I treated you as a friend
And talked to you like anyone else.
We laughed, joked, and worked together
Until one day, you decided to reciprocate.
And that's how I found myself

It was a nose-diving deep kind of love.
That had my head on cloud nine.
Feet far from the ground.
And my gosh! My poor heart wasn't ready for this.
I didn't come here looking for love.
Yet I found it in the most unexpected places.
Wondering, dreaming, thinking about how nice it'll be.
If we were to end up together.

I needed a cold-water wakeup
That will make things clear once again.
Because I cannot think, is this infatuation?
Or something more deep?
I guess I will never find out
Because you soon disappeared and walked
Out of my life.
Leaving me hanging and wondering
If all of this had been a lovely daydream,
A product of my own artist's imagination.
A cruel joke on me, since I'm such a fool for love.

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