Chapter two

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It wasn't as if it happened straightway. But, I wish he could've stayed. Sadly I can't change the decisions of Mor, the goddess of death. She is so very nice, but her sister, Li, who is the goddess of life, is brutal. Life is cruel and death is sweet. It makes sense. I hope Mor takes good care of my sister. You'll get it in a bit, no worries.

It was a life of care, with him. "I'm Res. You are, young lady?"


"What a proper name."


"Just fitting, is all." He replied, his accent showing, ending the silence as we encroached upon his home. I sat inside, resting upon the large rug. It was a nice tapestry, with an intricate design of Mor and Li circling each other. I marveled it, wondering who had enough patience to manufacture such a thing.

As I daydreamed about the carpet, I heard his voice call,"Well, Magika, would you like something to eat?" He asked politely in an English way.

"I'd much like to rest, if it's okay with you."

"It's very much alright. That rug is the most comfortable thing..." He trailed off. And just in case you were wondering, this was in the time before humans. I liked that time better than now, which is why I dwell in the forest.

I slept until sundown, awaking with an empty stomach. It grumbled as I meowed,"Could I have that 'something to eat' now, please?"

"Why, sure." He replied.

"Thank you, Res,"

He came into the room with a mouse. I ate it slowly, savoring it.

I soon fell under the trance of sleep once again.

I awoke at morning, the sun shone softly on my crow-feather [get the referenceeee?] black fur, coaxing me to get up. I was curious to explore the house. I stretched and yawned and set off to walk around in the dwelling.

One room intrigued me. It was clicking and whirring, and tickled my ears. I padded into the room, finding the complex technology hidden away inside.

Soft leather bound journals lay scattered among the ground. I opened one, and started to read.

It said ' Why, today was a rather eventful day. ' I smiled, it sounded British. I closed it, I thought myself quite witty.

Just as I closed the diary, he came in and cheerfully remarked,"Good morning!"

I gladly replied," 'Morning. Just doing a bit of exploring."

"Speaking of which, I have to show you something." He smiled, leading me out the door. It was an opening with grass draped over it.

He was extremely swift for a tomcat his age. We covered the ground very quickly, reaching the destination in a matter of minutes.

I thanked Li for making him stop. Finally, the goddess shows mercy upon my soul. She's killed my parents and my sister, so she gives me a rest.

I looked at the waterfall, and gasped. I had never seen something so beautiful. My green eyes locked onto the loud rushing water, which sounded like a drum in my ears.

"Lovely, I know." He said, smiling. "It's my favorite place." He stated, staring back at the waterfall with his hazel optics.

It was more than lovely- it was mesmerizing! I think I finally have a brother..

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