Chapter ten

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ALERT: THIS MAY GET A BIT GORY, OKAY? YOU MAY WANT TO SKIP OVER THIS ONE. but- Then again, I'll try to not make it too horrid.

"Oh, hello." a voice boomed. "Think you're safe? Ha!" It was the King laughing. "This is just phase one. Of torturing the public, of course." He stated. Spikes shot out of the ground, and spinning blades arose. Under my feet. Pain took over me, I screamed, jumping off the device. It was turned red with my blood. Ivory bone jutted out of my paws.

He just laughed, his cackle was filled with schadenfreude. Another torture device surfaced. I was pulled by robotic arms onto the stretcher. I was latched in. Blood poured on it, reddening the wood. A shock rippled through me, white hot pain surged through me. I was struck by electricity. My eyes closed.

I had fainted. Maybe for the last time.


I awoke on the stretcher. "Your no fun. You didn't even stay awake. And your paws aren't even bleeding." He said. "Well, time for more torture!" The King said. I was shoved off the stretcher. I limped to the middle of the room. "Give me your worst." I meowed, smiling.

And he did. I wish I didn't say that.

Spears shot through my leg, spurting sticky blood and a few veins and bone fly on my front legs and back leg. I hissed in pain.

"A little splinter got you down? Poor kitty!" He cackled.

Another dagger strike. Its stone edge went through my tail. Blood dripped on the floor, splattering as hit hit the tile. The spear split through my tailbone, fur ripped off as the sharp weapon went through. Red liquid ran down my tail. I'd lost much blood. I felt lightheaded.

I fainted.


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