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the bus, not bothering to knock. She was never the one to wait for an answer, she was the straightforward type and would often do things without waiting for an answer.

She scanned the room and spotted people wearing costumes. A frown fell upon her face as she realized it was a halloween party and not some random drinking party.

Camila hated theme parties. It was only because she never had the effort to pick out an outfit for the theme. She just wanted to put on an outfit and leave.

"What are you suppose to be, a hooker?" A familiar voice called out from behind her.

She turned around as a familiar face wiggled his way through the crowd. It was William.

Camila gave him an unamused look, but gave him a bright smile a few seconds later. He opens his arms out to her, and pulls her into a hug. Nuzzling his head against her neck, he mutters that he missed her and is glad that she's back.

They continue to hold each for a few more seconds until she pulls away. "You should've told me this was a halloween party, I would have gotten dressed up."

He shots her a chuckle. "You can drop the sarcastic act now, we all know you would've ignored the reminder and dressed however you liked."

She nods, a smile lingering on her face. William was like a brother to her. When they were younger, they had felt that instant sibling connection the moment they met and from that day on, William had promised to protect her from all the bad people that came near her. Despite him only being a few months older then her, she still looked up to him as a brother figure.

"I brought the champagne," A person she could only assume to be another one of Williams bus mate, bursts into the mini circle, holding a champagne bottle and glass in his hand.

William shouts him a quick thanks, before grabbing the bottle and glass out of his hand. "Here's the fancy shit you wanted."

She grabbed the glass from him, as he popped the cork open and pours it into her glass. She nudges the glass towards him a bit, then takes a sip. "This taste way better then the cheap beer you serve."

"Not everyone here is special enough to be drinking expensive alcohol," he teased, before grabbing her glass and taking a sip himself. "Man, this really is good."

"Have you settled back at your place?" William asked, handing her back her glass.

Camila shook her head. "Not even close, mom and dad whisked Nadia away on a little trip to London, the moment we landed here."

William mocked a sad face. "Aw, are you sad your parents took your little sister on a trip and didn't bother taking you?"

She let out a laugh. "Their excuse was I can't miss school. Ridiculous. I was already 8 weeks into school and then they just decides last minute to move back here."

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Look on the bright side, you're back with us now. The past two years have been hell without you. Your short two week visits, just weren't enough."

"You could've just moved to California, and lived with us. My parents love you and would've opened up our house to you."

William shrugged. "I know but I had a bus to run and I couldn't just leave Chris here."

"Chris can manage without you," she paused to take a sip of champagne. "I don't want to change the subject, but why is that blond over there, glaring at me."

He moved his head to get a good angle of who she was talking about. He sighed as he spotted who she was talking about. "That's Vilde, she probably jealous that I have my arms wrapped around your shoulders. I think she wants us to sleep together, but that girl just doesn't get the hint that I don't want her. And speaking of sleeping together, there's your man."

Not having enough time to react, another familiar face came into view. "Hellooo my friend."

"I'm gonna let you guys do your thing," William whispered in her ear, before giving her shoulder one last squeeze and leaving the brunette with his best friend.

Fuck. She hated being put in this position. Despite her and Chris having a long and unexplainable history, it just felt awkward. He was handsome, magnificently handsome and it made her knees go weaker then they already were.

"Chris! Mind I ask what you're suppose to be? A raccoon?" She joked, enjoying the irked look on his face.

He ignores her insults and moves on to a different topic. "I would love to defend myself, but I really missed kissing you and you talking isn't helping at all." She could see his eyes were lingering at her lips, and now she was staring at his. A sudden urge of hunger rose through her body, and suddenly she wanted to do what he was suggesting.

She leaned forward so her lips grazed along his cheeks until she reached his ear. She felt him shiver, making her grin at the thought of a vulnerable Chris. "Well nobody's stopping you."

The pair quietly snuck away from the party
and into an empty room. Chris pushed the door closed with the back of his foot. The room was silent except the occasional sound of their breathing and their clothes dropping onto the wood floor.

They both knew they needed each other, yet no one wanted to speak up about it. They didn't want to be the weak one and confess their feelings, so instead they kept it boiled up inside.

Their relationship was nothing but messy and complicated.

complicated; chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now