e l e v e n

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the doorbell now," Camila yelled, running towards the front door. Her parents were gone yet again, leaving her with her younger sister.

She pulls the door open, before shutting it but it was held open. "What are you doing here?"

"Can I come in?" Chris questions, doing his typical moody face.

She shakes her head. "My parents are home, and I don't think they want anyone here."

He rolls his eyes, not believing her. He took a quick glance inside, and it was complete silence but as if it was on cue, a child's voice rang through the house.

"Cammy! Why didn't mommy and daddy take us with them?" Camila's grimaced, hearing the younger Olsen standing behind her. "And I'm hungry, can we get pizza?"

Chris waved his pointer finger back and fourth in her face, a smirk planted on this face. "Seems like their not here, guess I'm coming in then."

Trying to stop him, she tries to act as a barricade but between her small frame and him, she was pushed to the side immediately. She gapes as he casually walks into the living room and plops himself on the four seater with his legs stretched out.

"Who's that?" Nadia placed her small hands against her leg, and tucked herself behind Camila. Camila could see her peeping her head to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of the intruder.

"He's nobody," she replies, bending down to grab the child. She walks over to the couch, and slaps Chris on the leg. He glared at her as he winces the throbbing pain that was hitting his leg.

"Was that necessary," he cries out, still gripping his leg.

She scoffs, turning her head and rolling her eyes. "You're such a baby, why are you here anyways."

Chris immediately lets go of his leg, and sits up straighter. "You weren't answering my text and calls so I came over to see what you were doing."

"I'm hungry," the young one called out, before Camila could say anything back to Chris.

He diverts his attention to the child, and gets off the couch. He crouches slightly in front of her, his facial features softening as he does so. "Your names Nadia right? I'm Chris."

Nadia looks hesitant to answer but she still looks him in the eyes. "Are you Cammy's boyfriend?"

"No he's not," Camila stutters, as Chris agrees with her.

With an adorable grin, she toddles out from behind her sister and goes over to Chris. She tugs on his arm and forces him to stand up. "Since you're Cammy's boyfriend, can you get pizza?"

Camila's mouth dropped open. Her sister had ignored her word and believed the person she had just met. "Betrayer."She mutters under her breath, as she watches Chris and Nadia get close.

"You're gonna have to ask your sister, first." He replies, staring at Camila. With her little plump lips in a pout, Nadia gives her sister her famous 'i'm so cute, you're gonna have to do what I tell you to' face, giving her no other options but to agree.

Nadia and Chris cheers as the grouchy girl agreed. He bends down to carry the three year old, then walks past Camila but not forgetting to give her a little message.

"I'll see you in the car then." He throws her a wink before stepping outside.

[a/n; thank you so much for 300 reads, you guys are the best.
sorry this chapter sucks so much but i'm gonna try to update as often as i can. school is also starting in a few days, so that's gonna slow things down.

anyways, make sure to vote, comment and follow me if you want. you can also shoot me a message if you want to talk :) i'll always reply back.

until next time ]

complicated; chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now