Demon x Child Reader

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"Well we're here guys, what do y'all think?" Your dad said parking the car in front of a big house. You look out the window seeing the big house "Wow! is this our new house daddy!" You said looking back at your dad smiling really big. "Yep well lets go inside and check it out." You and your family head inside checking the place out you on the other hand were running up and down the stairs and exploring the big house.
Your mom and dad laugh seeing you happy and playing around but both your older siblings didn't seem to enjoy moving away from their old home and saying goodbye to their friends. "Don't worry you two were going to be fine and you'll make new friends here."Your mother said to them they both let out a sad/angry huff. "Well why don't you kiddos go pick out a room you like." Your dad said putting down some boxes "we get to pick our own rooms!" You said jumping up and down "come on guys lets go!" You said running up the stairs your two siblings follow you up the stairs.

~Time skip~

After a while of unpacking everything was put in place but there were still boxes left but your family decided to call it a night. After dinner you head to your room taking out your dolls from a box and played house with them.
As you played you heard your closet door open slowly.
Stopping and looking behind you seeing the door opening more. You stand up dropping your dolls and slowly walk up closer to the door reaching out your hand.

BAM! "(Y/n) did you touch my comic books!" Your brother storms into your room revealing a rip up comic book. You look at your brother and back at the closet door. "Well I know it was you! You always touch and mess up my things!" Your brother continues yelling at you. You look up to your brother "but I was in my room the whole time..." you said. Both your parents rush in the see what was the problem "what's going on?" Your dad ask "(Y/n) mess up my comic book! Look!" Your brother yelled showing them the comic book they both look at you "(y/n)... did you do this?" Your mom ask. You quickly nodded a no "no I was in my room playing with my dollies" I told them. " liar I know you did this" "no I did not!"
"Ok! Stop!" Your dad said putting himself between you and brother.
"We will deal with this in the morning now lets all calm down..." your brother look at your dad and back to you "whatever..." he said leaving your room. When he left your mom kneel to your height and ask "(y/n) did you rip your brothers comic book?" You started to cry "n-no mommy I was in my room I promise I did not went into his room.." your mom looks up to your dad and back to you "ok... If your saying it wasn't you then it wasn't you so don't cry..." your mom said hugging you.
"Now lets get ready for bed"

~Time skip~

You were getting comfortable in your little bed waiting for you mom to tuck you in.
Your mom walks in sitting on your bed and tucking you in. "Goodnight (y/n)"
"Goodnight mommy" your mom gets up kisses your forehead and walks out the door turning off the lights closing the door. It was all dark but your window let light in from the moon. You let out a tried yawn and closed your sleepy little eyes. Falling into a deep sleep.


"Where am I?" You look around to see nothing but darkness.
"Hello?.... is any one there?...."
You walk in a direction but it seem it wasn't taking you any where so you stop "HELLO!!" You yelled but nothing happen....

A flash of light hit your face making you cover your eyes from the bright light. The light was gone opening your eyes too see a red door. You walk up to the red and stood there looking around making sure that's all you see.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
You waited for it to be opened but nothing happen you try to knock on it again only for it the open slowly. When fully open you step inside.
"Hello?.... is anyone there?...." walking inside you some how ended up in a place that looks like some one lives here.till you see a person you really couldn't see well so you walk closer to the mysterious guy.
"Umm... hello sorry can you help me I think I am lost..."
the person stops what it was doing and slowly turns around. You stop and waited to see what the person would do or say to you. It slowly walk closer to you and stops in front of you where you stand on the light side while the person stand on the dark side.
You step back a little getting creep out and the person steps forward revealing himself to you. You gasp seeing his red face and pointed teeth. He continues to step forward you back up only to fall on your butt making you gasp out and keeping direct eye contact on this red face man.
"You will do nicely~" the red face man said reaching out to grab your arm making you scream out loudly.
"NO! NO! Let go of me!!" You scream out grabbing his hand but he grabs both your arms and the red face man lets out a nasty cry and tongue sticking out.

Your eyes pop wide open looking around you were back in your room you gasp for air and yelled out "MOMMY!!! DADDY!!!!!"
The two of them rush in your dad holding the bat "(y/n) are you ok were is the danger?!" You begin to cry harder and reaching out to your mom to hold you "mommy!!!" Your mom get a hold of you and you kept screaming out the red face man is going to get me! Both your parents look at each other and sigh "(Y/n) don't cry mom and daddy are here it was just a nightmare..."
You look up to them "n-no! It was not mommy it was real the man with the red face wants to get me!" You told them. "Now now don't cry come on you can sleep with us. How does that sound like?" Your dad ask putting the bat down and putting you into his arms.
"Really?" You said looking at him he nodded smiling you put your head on his shoulder and close your eyes.
"Thank you..." you said before passing out into a deep sleep.

As your parents head to their rooms with you in your dads arms. The red face demon stayed in your room sitting on your bed laughing to himself.

"You will be mine......"

Horror Demons/Monster/Ghost/Creatures x Child Reader(RETRIED)Where stories live. Discover now