Monter under the bed x Child Reader

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This is requested by @Bts_bbgirl_
Just a warning if you don't like abusive content please don't read but if you wish to continue then go head.


A loud slap echos the room, a small thud came afterwards.

"P-please mommy it was"


The mother harshly yells while lifting up her foot and hardly kicks the little girls' body.

"Please mommy s-stop!!"

The little girl pleaded out to her mother but the mother ignored her cries and harshly steps on her before grabbing her hair dragging her to her room.

"Your going to stay in your room until your father gets home" the mother harshly says before pushing the little girl into her room and shutting the door locking it.

There was a moment of silence before the little girl let out the biggest tear drops run down her face, whimpering onto the floor wondering if this horrible pain will just go away.

But what the little girl didn't notice a pair of eyes was watching her, letting out a sad purr. This creature has been watching her for a while her parents treated her awfully, no child should go through this pain and treatment.
The creature had made his decision and let out a loud purr.

The little girl gasp looking up from the floor and letting out a soft whisper

"W-who's there?"

The creature let out a louder purr to get the little girls' attention. The girl turn towards the bed to see the pair of eyes she let out a little scream and covers her face.

"Do not be frighten my child." The little girl flinches at the voice but removes her hands from her face to see the eyes still watching her.

"I do not wish to hurt you..."

"Sniff... your not gonna eat me?"
The creature closes its eyes before letting out a giggle that sounded deeper than it should.

"No little one i will not eat you.."

There was a moment of silence before the creature ask "What is your name little one?" The little girl forms a little smile

"My names (Y/n)."

The creature lets out a funny purr "That's a beautiful name."

(Y/n) lets out a thank you before she could ask the creature its name a loud bang was heard.
"WHERE IS THAT FUCKING CHILD!" A deep violet voice screams out. (Y/n) begins to cry and dashes to her closet. The creature lets out an angry growl and hears the heavy footsteps of a pair come closer and closer to (Y/n)s room.

The door slams harshly "(Y/n)! Where is that damn child?!
Both parents walk into the room and begin searching for her.

While the parents were searching the room, (Y/n) was deep in the closet praying that they won't find her. She could hear them planing her punish, letting out a whimper and a flow of tears. But the she hears a voice but this voice sounded just like her.

"Mommy! Daddy! I'm under the bed!" The voice said ending it with a small giggle.
"(Y/n)! Get your ass out from under that bed you some of a bitch!" The deep voice of the father yells out.
"(Y/n)! If you don't get your-AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"
A loud demonic scream and both parents can be heard, loud crushing noises and painful screams can be heard and trashing like movements and then silence.

(Y/n) breaths and moves closer to the door and opens the door a bit but couldn't see well, she opens the door fully and sees that her room floors and walls were cover in red paint. (Y/n) lets out a gasp to see a dark figure but the figure is huge and was breathing in and out.
The creature stops and turns to see (Y/n) there tears still dripping from her (color) eyes. The creature move slowly closer to (Y/n) making her quickly close her eyes. Waiting she feels nothing but a soft hand wipe her tears away and a snout like presses against her forehand letting out a soft purr.

"Are you alright (Y/n)?...."

(Y/n) opens her eyes to see the same pair of yellow mix red eyes stare back at hers. Before nodding and with out thinking hugs the creature.

"Thanks you.."

The creature was shock for a moment before hugging the child and closely holds her, picks her up grabbing a blanket from the floor some parts of the blanket is stain in blood but wraps it around the child. The creature stands looking around the room and sees (Y/n)s parents in a corner of the room all twisted and some parts of them are missing. he snarls at them heading to (Y/n)s bed and swiftly heads under the bed with the child thinking in its head.

This child is mine.
I'll keep her safe.
No one shall hurt her anymore....

"Breaking news. police discover two dead bodies after neighbors reporting hearing screams from there neighbors and in the house only to discover the bodies of Amy (Last name) and Jackson (Last name). And the police confirmed that they had a daughter name (Y/n) (Last name) whos body is not found. The police are still investigating the crime and are still searching the house and areas for the child. If you have information or have seen the child please call the police.

(Words 920)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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