2 | a king of nothing and nobody

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Chapter Two | A king of nothing and nobody

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Andromeda woke to a sharp slap across the face

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Andromeda woke to a sharp slap across the face.

Expelling the salt water from her lungs onto the deck beside her, Andromeda glanced up at the two men standing over her. Hook's expression was as unreadable as always, but Ash's smirk was ear to ear.

"You look like a drowned rat, you know." He drawled.

Managing to stand, Andromeda ignored the first mate in favour of glaring at the captain, who hadn't said a word since climbing out from below. He wasn't looking at her at all, instead glancing back that the storm clouds disappearing over the horizon.

"I saved your boat, not to mention the lives of all your crew, pirate. Now get him down from there." Andromeda growled.

For a moment, Hook appeared not to have heard a single word she said. As Andromeda was about to repeat what she'd said, Hook relayed the instructions to his men.

Andromeda watched, heart battering her rip cage incessantly, as they cut him down. Stumbling forward as the two pirates dragged Henley's limp body between them across the deck, her fingers fumbled with the string tying the hessian bag to his head.

Ripping it off, Andromeda sighed in relief as the man coughed, salt water tumbling from his lips as he struggled to expel the liquid from his lungs. His eyelids fluttered, too weak to do much else.

The deck creaked suddenly as Hook approached from behind. "Get him out of my sight."

As Andromeda went to follow them, his Hook caught her upper arm.

"Not you."

Ripping her arm from his hook stiffly, Andromeda turned to face him.

"Is that all, captain?" She inquired mockingly, hands curling into fists. She was exhausted, and knew it would be unwise on so many levels to challenge a pirate captain on his own ship - especially after the disaster that was last time - but he was right there. And wearing an expression she knew all too well.

"What are you?"

Skin crawling, to Hook, she answered wryly: "It's like you said captain, I'm a sea witch."

Though he seemed to know just as well as she that that was a bold faced lie, the pirate did not confront her about it. A small mercy, perhaps, after everything she'd endured.

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