6 | not alone, but still lonely

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Chapter Six | Not alone, but still lonely

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Andromeda had been picking sullenly at her cuticles, bleary eyed but desperate to remain awake in order to avoid dreaming again, when Pan appeared before her

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Andromeda had been picking sullenly at her cuticles, bleary eyed but desperate to remain awake in order to avoid dreaming again, when Pan appeared before her.

"Persephone isn't one of my minions." He snapped within moments of having appeared, causing Andromeda to flinch in surprise. "None of my lost kids are."

Slowly dragging her gaze towards him, Andromeda made a small shrug. "Well," she drawled, "I'd be happy to apologise to her, but I suppose I'll have to leave her hanging won't I? Seeing as I'm a bit caged in and all at the moment."

If Pan had caught her dry humour, he didn't acknowledge it.

"You can remedy that whenever you like." He said instead, gaze intensifying as he stepped closer. "All you have to do is tell me what I want to know."

Andromeda didn't have to think too hard about it ( the gods only knew how long and hard she'd been thinking these past few days, stuck as she was. )

This is crazy.


Andromeda lips curved into a smile at Pan's look of surprise. The very last thing he'd expected was her cooperation, and she hated being predictable. She also hated being controlled, and so somewhere between her various fitful dreams, she'd resolved that she wasn't going to let anyone control her again. Hence, she was doing the very opposite of what Pan expected. After all, how are you supposed to control someone when you don't know how they're going to react?

Of course, she wasn't entirely sold on the idea of cooperating with Pan. After everything Henley had told her, she wasn't too sure about taking him on. But anything he might have in store for her had to be better than a cage, right? And she'd never met a challenge she couldn't think or fight her way out of.

"Alright." Pan's spoke as though the words tasted funny in his mouth, "So what are-?"

"No." Andromeda swiftly interjected. She gestured pointedly outside the cage, adding, "Let's take a walk."

She stubbornly held Pan's gaze as she waited for his response. His smile surprised her though; something about it felt strange. Or twisted, maybe? Like amidst his amusement was a touch of anger.

However, in a simple wave of his hand, he opened the cage without argument. Andromeda couldn't help the flare of envy that formed in the pit of her stomach. He performed magic so nonchalantly, and seemingly without any repercussions or recoil. She couldn't summon so much as a wave without providing some of her strength as payment. Bruises often appeared as a result of greater use of her abilities, and if she pushed too much she might knock herself out cold. But she'd seen Pan teleport and summon things with minimal effort, so how did he do it?

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