3 | whats a god to a non-believer?

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Chapter Three | What's a god to a non-believer?

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Watching Hook's men drag Henley away the next time, Andromeda's heart threatened to rip from her chest, and she was left to wonder if today would be the day her captain cracked

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Watching Hook's men drag Henley away the next time, Andromeda's heart threatened to rip from her chest, and she was left to wonder if today would be the day her captain cracked.

With this comforting thought in the forefront of her mind, time crawled by slowly, with every minute more unbearable that the last.

Miserably she sat there in the dark, her gaze fixated on the wall opposite, the only noise she could hear being the creaking of the ship, and the sound of her own breathing. A small mercy, she supposed. Better silence - no matter how stifling - than Henley's anguished screaming.

Andromeda was pulled from her thoughts suddenly as boots sounded on the ladder. Gaze flickering to the corridor, Andromeda watched silently as two pirates approached the cell door, keys in hand.

"Out." The one with the keys barked.

Andromeda flinched as the cell door swung shut behind her, and she was led up the ladder, to the deck above. And when her eyes finally adjusted to the sunlight, Andromeda's heart leapt to her throat.

Although she'd been healing his wounds for weeks now, seeing Henley's bruised and battered face still felt like a punch in the gut. For a moment, Andromeda wondered if they meant her to heal him, so they could begin round three. Or perhaps Hook thought he'd threaten her life again; that Henley would negotiate if it meant sparing the life of his last remaining crew member.

Her thoughts scattered as Andromeda's gaze trailed to Hook's face, and the smug smirk he couldn't seem to contain answered all her question.

This wasn't a negotiation.

It was an execution.

Stomach plummeting, heart thumping erratically, Andromeda couldn't help the wind picking up. And as it's whistling echoed the screaming filling her head, to run, run, run, Andromeda begged the gods - if they were even listening - to lend her their strength. To give her the courage she lacked, so that she might stare into the face of death with some dignity intact.

Andromeda met Henley's eyes, whose eyes begged forgiveness, still managing to flicker with hope despite everything, and called on the gods once more.

Please, Andromeda was the first to look away, gaze turning to look out towards the ocean; which usually would calm her but now felt unwelcoming as a stranger, let me go first.

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