Tardis Dress

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Hello people and aliens! How are you doing? Yeah, I know, I am lazy for not putting new designs up, but what can I do? Laziness has no cure.

So, I have two things to tell you. First, it was my sister's- a.k.a. bestie's- birthday on the 4th of August, so happy birthday to her again, I do wish her all the happiness and luck in the world, and I do think she needs it even more now, 'cause this September she starts high school, soo... Any tips to share? And second, for those who are no Doctor Who fans, the Tardis is that blue police box, bigger on the inside, in which the Doctor travels through space and time. I tried making it as similar to the actual Tardis as possible and I came with this.

Now, the drawing. The Tardis blue dress is floor length, with a turtleneck and short sleeves made like three stairs, resembling the roof. From the top part starts a vertical middle line until the floor, for the door delimitation, while around the model's middle is a simple thick belt. The top part has two windows on each sides of the line, with six panels, while the bottom is constructed with six squares, three on each side, one of them having the actual telephone, under the written poster and, lastly, the lowest part made out of two stair-like wood stripes. The model itself is simple, with light skin and caramel colored hair put in a bun.

What serials or movies do you love so much that you can't stop watching?

BBC's "Sherlock", "Doctor Who" and Marvel's "Agent Carter" are top notch. Chefs kiss <3!

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