Chapter One

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It was your average day at The Columbus Ohio Orphanage-well-atleast for me. I get up at 5:30 to get to the showers first then I go to my room. I share my room with my only friend at the orphanage, Iris. Today I decided to wear my ripped black skinny jeans with a white crop-top. I then brushed my wavy brown hair and leave it down. Ms.Hansen walked into our room. (see my Evan Hansen ref?*). "People are coming to adopt! Hurry up you rats!" She screeched. Its one of those days again. Couples and people come to interview a age group and see if they want to adopt us. The thing is I've been in this crappy orphanage since I was 4 and I haven't been adopted once. So these days are just judgement. I think its because of my blue quiff thing hair. Its kinda like my idol josh duns hair execpt his is yellow and myne is blue. "Ages 11-14 come down!" Ms.Hansen yelled. I walked down the stairs and waited my turn to be interviewed. Since our age group was 11-14 the few 14 year olds Camila,Ivy and,Rose were in front. They bullied me everyday of my goddamned life. When Rose and Ivy walked passed me this morning while getting into line Ivy stopped infront of me and said "Hey Fag!" I smirked and said back "Hey Plastic!" "What did you say?" Ivy asked. "P-L-A-S-T-I-C" I responded. She smacked my arm and said "Go kill yourself Fag!" I brought back my arm and walked of saying "Fine! I WILL!". I walked into my room crying putting my hand under my matress finding my blade. I walked into my bathroom and locked the door behind me. I took the blade to my wrist and made a deep cut, seeing the crimpson blood drip onto the floor. I switch wrists making another deep cut there. I filled up my bath and let my blood stain the water red. But then I heard a voice-no-two voices. Then i saw a person raming into the door I sat up and quickly drained the bath got my clothes on and threw on a sweater. I felt so light headed. I held my blade to my wrist and made another small cut before I passed out.


I was driving to go bring me and Josh to our local orphanage. Ever since we had started dating Josh and I have always wanted a kid. We arrived at the doors of a huge orphanage. "You ready?" Josh asked. I nodded as we walked in. We were greeted by old lady called Ms.Hanson she asked if we were ready to interview.we both nodded in response she asked us what age group we would like. Josh and I looked at each other. I responded "11 to 14".once again Miss Hanson asked "what gender". Josh respond this time with your "girl please" The old lady left she yelled up some stairs "come down ages 11-14!"I saw a bunch of girls come down the stairs. "I didn't know the would would be this many" I told Josh. There was about 3 14-year-olds.3 12-year-olds all listening to music and about 5 11-year-olds. "This will be a long day." I whispered to Josh. "I know" Josh responded. As we interviewed this 14 year old Camila, I heard a girl scream "Go kill yourself" and a voice of probably a 12 year old scream back "Fine I will". Josh and I immediately ran out of the room after the interview was over and found her through hearing her crying. We ran in to see her bathroom door locked. I rammed it open. I saw her unconscious holding a blade while bleeding. Josh called 911 and I picked her up and brought her to the ambulance.

A/N OMG MY FIRST CHAPTER IS DUN! hahah I live for Dun-puns. THANK YOU FOR READING!!! Comment what you thought or what i should add!

Peace out my Peeps!!!

- Aesthetic Kiwi!


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