Chapter 10

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Charlies POV (the day Before Graces first day)

Hey my name is Charlie Brooks. Im a guy just to be clear. im pretty gay and I've just been told that there will be a new kid and I have to be their friend. I don't know their gender yet. my mom forgot their name and said its started with a G. I know she has a hard time remembering things because of hangover. but also I don't care for my mom because she beats me. thats why im always wearing longsleeve and pants. the kids at school also make fun of me. so thats just greaaaat. They don't know my mom beats me though. nobody does. well, except my therapist Dr.Craig. He supposibly had this kid named Tyler come to his office then he raped him. my mom said if I was raped he was paid less. I think that was the most kind thing shes done for me.I remember the first time we met Like it was yesterday. he asked for my name even though already knowing it. "Charlie" I replied plainly. "Whats your last name?" He said looking through Alphabetical folders. "Brooks" I responded. his fingers glided through some folders before pulling out some papers. "ahh here we are!" he said to himself. "want a lolipop?" he asked me. "No" I replied. "A quiet one I see" he said writing somthing down in his little notebook. "If you could, Please tell me a bit about yourself" he asked me. I pointed to my Twenty One Pilots hoodie I was wearing and I pointed to my neon blue braclet. "Very nice" He said to me. he wrote another thing in his notebook. "So Charlie, do you have any friends?" He asked I replied "G(For the person who I don't know), Tyler R. and Tyler D. " I said not having many friends. Dr.Craigs eyes went big when I said Tyler. he told me our time was up and I went home.

Hey guys this was jus a little look into charlies life!

also a filler cuz im lazy

pls give me da feedback also yell at @_XxEmberxX_ To stop binging Death Note K bai





~Aesthetic Kiwi


I am home (Adopted by Joshler)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang