Evie's Perfect Dance

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Evie's P.O.V:  I sit down on, thankfully, the only chair on the boat to not be drenched from the Dragon!Mal vs GiantOctopus!Uma battle, watching as Doug is dragged away on a stretcher due to him slipping over and almost breaking his leg. I hear a raspy chuckle behind me "well looks like Doug really did fall for you, huh?" I turn back to see the dragoness herself "Not funny Mal, he could be seriously hurt, not to mention I don't have anyone to dance with now" I cant help but complain, I mean this was meant to be our perfect night and now not only was it ruined by a duel of monstrous proportions but also seeing Mal and Ben's kiss...why does that irk me more than the former? Mal just smirks "who says you can't just dance by yourself E? Ya know be a strong independent woman?" I roll my eyes and let out a humourless laugh "yeah says the girl who had her perfect dance and kiss tonight, while also being a maiden in shining scales for Auradon".

She seems to stop and gape at that before sighing and chuckling a little "well then as Auradon's maiden in shining scales I should offer the fairest in the land her perfect dance now shouldn't I?", confused I look into her emerald eyes, the eyes that have always entranced me from the moment we met, before realising Mal had outstretched her hand to me...offering to dance with me. I flush at the thought before smiling and taking her hand and standing up as she walks us to the middle of the water filled dance floor, and she places her hands on my hips, while I blush and wrap mine around her neck and we begin to sway to the sound of the waves and jittering fireflies surronding us. Mal snorts that cute snort that fills me with so much glee when I hear it "ya know, this almost feel like some romantic movie, ya know setting and all? Under the stars, surronded by fireflies, shrouded in the moonlight" she flicks her tongue out as she says moonlight and my eyes are drawn to it instantly.

She doesn't notice, thank god, because she seemed to be inraptured by her own thoughts with her eyes closed, which allows me a few moments to think. Swaying here with Mal, dancing with Mal, being with Mal...it makes me feel things, things I've never truly felt for anyone before, no one but Mal...
Is this what real love feels like? Or is it just really close, really good platonic friend love? Or is truly something more...
Do I like Mal...as more than a friend..? Is that why I feel an adrenaline rush whenever she asks me to do something with her and its just us? Or when she asks me if she looks nice and I can't help but go into detail of how gorgeous she looks...
Oh shit...
I like Mal...
I-I think..
I open my eyes and notice shes smirking at me with that cute head tilt she does, her eyes drawing me in, and then she just bursts out in snorts and giggles "Jesus E *snort* haha you looked like a freaking ghost ahaha *snort* haha"

Shit...I think I love Mal.
Gods give me strength.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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