More Than Survive

361 8 21


C-c-c-c'mon c-c-c-c'mon go go

C-c-c-c'mon c-c-c-c'mon go go

I'm waiting for my porno to load

My brain is gonna freakin' explode

And now of course it's time to hit the road

Which means I'll be uncomfortable all day

But that really isn't such a change

If I'm not feelin' weird or super strange

My life would be in utter disarray

'Cause freakin' out is my OK

Good morning time to start the day

C-c-c-c'mon c-c-c-c'mon go go

C-c-c-c'mon c-c-c-c'mon go go

Should I take a bus or walk instead?

I feel my stomach filling up with dread

When I get nervous my whole face goes red

Dude, weigh the options calmly and be still

The junior on the bus is killer weak

But if I walk, when I arrive I'm gonna straight up reek

And my boxers will be bunchy and my pits will leak

Ugh, God, I wish I had the skill

To just be fine and cool and chill

I don't wanna be a hero

Just wanna stay in the line

I'll never be your Rob DiNero

For me Joe Pesci is fine

So I follow my own rules

And I use them as my tools to stay alive

I don't wanna be special, no no

I just wanna survive


C-c-c-c'mon c-c-c-c'mon go go

C-c-c-c'mon c-c-c-c'mon go go

CHLOE, spoken:

So, Jenna Roland said Madeline told Jake "I'll only have sex with you if you beat me at pool." And then she lost at pool deliberately.

BROOKE, spoken:

That is so awesome!



BROOKE, spoken:

I-I mean slutty!

JENNA, spoken:

And then Madeline was all like---

CHLOE, spoken:

I'm telling the story Jenna!

Oh my God, he's like, totally getting off on that


RICH, spoken:

Yo, don't touch me, tall ass.

JEREMY, spoken:

Sorry, I was just trying to get to--

RICH, spoken:

Jakey D!

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