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danny o'donoghue and ricky wilson are truly beautiful men. honestly i only ever watched the voice for them and will.i.am.

also yeet this is bad.

"You okay?" Kellin shook his head, tears welling in his eyes as he squeezed Vic's hand. Copeland was on his lap, Rowan and Liam in the pew next to him. "I've got you." Vic mumbled, resting his head on top of Kellin's hair, their interlocked hands on Kellin's thigh.

A dark cloud seemed to hang over the room as the curtains closed in front of the coffin. Kellin's eyes flickered over to his siblings in tears. A sudden anger bubbled up inside him because hell, they had no right to be crying, they didn't even know him. The tears from distant family members just added to his anger. The man who raised his twin sister and him would be unforgiving of the fake tears shed in his memory. Ironically the people who knew him best were the only people not crying, Kailey, Kellin and their Mom were holding back tears, the true sadness showing in their eyes. That's the way Kellin wanted it.

The vicar soon spoke up, asking for Kellin to talk about his Dad for a while. His hands shook as he made his way up to the stand, looking out at the sea of black.

"You would think that after spending all my life in a house with my father I could tell you lots about him. But, truth be told, I don't know much about him. What I do know, however, is that family was close to his heart. He was always unbelievably protective of Kailey and I, celebrating every single little achievement and scolding every misdoing. He didn't see my other siblings often, but even then, he was so keen to know how they were doing.

His grandkids were a huge part of his life, while two of them not biologically his, he still cared for both mine and Kailey's kids with all of his heart. And I couldn't think of a better man to bring me or my children into the world. Dad, I will always love you, and no matter how many times I say 'thank you' for everything you've done for our family it will never be enough, but once again, thank you."

His voice cracked at the end, throat tight from holding back tears. He returned back to their isle, unable to sit next to Vic again as the boys had taken his seat. The hispanic boy frowned, stealing glances at Kellin throughout the last hymn.

As soon as he was able to the pale boy sprinted from the crematorium. Vic sighed, watching him leave.

"Kailey!" Vic didn't realise how much the twins looked alike, of course, he would always think Kellin was prettier.

"Hey, Vic, right?"

"Yea. Can you watch the kids for a while? I'll be as quick as I can, I've just got to make sure Kell's okay."

"Of course." She smiled, taking Copeland from Vic's arms. The hispanic boy muttered a 'thank you' before running after Kellin.

It was windier than usual, a dark cloud drifting overhead. Vic found Kellin down the road, sat with his back to the wall around his old house. He didn't say anything, just sat on the wall and waited for Kellin to say something. Kellin wiped his tears on the sleeve of his suit jacket.

"I'm sorry. I- I overreacted, but I just-"

"No, Kells. You didn't overreact. I completely understand. When my mom died I was a wreck for months. Mike had Tony but I didn't have anyone and it was hellish, I felt like I had nobody to turn to. So, I know that's how you feel now, but I'm here for you and I will be for as long as you need me." Kellin sniffed, turning to look up at Vic.

"Thank you, Vee." He mumbled, fiddling with his fingers.

"Come here..." Vic muttered, running a hand through his hair. Kellin stood up, moving to stand in front of the hispanic boy. Tan fingers interlocked with pale ones and pulled the short boy into his arms. Kellin wrapped his arms around Vic's neck, listening to his heart pound as Vic's arms tightened around his waist.

Kellin took a deep breath, taking a step back from Vic. Anxiety bubbled up in his stomach, palms sweaty. His words kept getting caught in his throat, the stutter that had slowly disappeared when he was around Vic was making a reappearance.



"W-Will..." Deep breaths. "Will you come to Oregon with me?"

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