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minor trigger for panic attacks and drugs. i know panic attacks suck balls so if anyone ever needs to rant im here

also this is in no way a projection of my opinion on anybody in this chapter, im sure theyre all lovely, this is purely fiction.

this is the longest chapter ive written in months but the end is still shit oy vey

Justin had brought Kellin on a hike to their favourite spot to hang out when they were at high school. It took them a while but they were finally at the top of the summit overlooking their old neighbourhood.

"So, what's the deal with that Vic guy?" Justin spoke, stubbing his cigarette out under his foot.

"He's a friend. I met him the first day I moved and he's been with me the last six months."

"There's nothing more?"

"I mean, there could be. But you know what I'm like. I'm scared that if I make anything official he'll find out about all the shit that happened in high school."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. All the- forget it, you were probably too off your face to remember most of school."

"That's a little unfair but I know what you mean. Look, everyone has pasts, you gave up all that shit when you met Katelynne and even if not then, definitely before Copeland was born. I'm sure he'll understand that."

"I guess so. Look, I better get back, I can't keep leaving other people to look after my kids."

"Talk to him, Kells." Justin called, watching the younger boy start walking down the path.


Kellin walked in to see Jack, Nick and Rowan cuddled together on the couch watching The Lego Movie. Vic was on the other couch, Copeland stood in front of him with a deathgrip on his fingers.

"Where's my little Lion Cub?"

"In the toilet." Jack mumbled, focussing on the film. Kellin nodded, going to sit next to Vic. "Is Justin not back yet?"

"Nah, he wanted to stay up there a while, probably gonna go to Lindsey's afterwards."

"Doubt it. None of us have seen Lindsey in years, not after the whole drug thing."

Jack's words were like a stab in the gut. Every repressed memory from Kellin's past was suddenly surfacing. He had worked so hard to keep it from Vic and his kids. In the back of his mind, he always knew coming back to Medford would be the thing to rip the cover he had managed to hide his secrets under.


"N-none of us have done drugs in years, Vee! It's nothing, I promise." Vic gritted his teeth, putting Copeland in her rocker. Just looking at Kellin made him angrier, he felt betrayed.

"Come with me." Kellin nodded, following Vic up the stairs to one of the spare rooms. His hands were shaking, tears in his eyes. He knew what was coming, this was the moment Vic finally gave up on him, told him to get out of his life. "How couldn't you tell me this?!"

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