Chapter 1: A School Day With Yuuta

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I remember what happened on that day, one of the best days of my life. I'm finally making progress with Yuuta, I just have to keep on going. Although today is just going to be a normal day since there is still school. Well I have to expect that, I just don't like it. Time to get prepared for another day at school...

"Rikka, pack up and get ready to go!" Yuuta says. Today I promised Yuuta that I would hang out with him for the day. I just want to make sure that I can become a wielder of a stronger contract between us.

"I'll be there!"

I packed up the basic school materials that I need and headed out with Yuuta.

"Rikka, where do you want to go first? We should spend some time with each other where no one could interrupt, only because we could do things you Wouldn't get to embarrassed about." I love the way Yuuta thinks, he does it for the both of us. I'm grateful to have met him. Although I kept quit about this question, my only reason is because I didn't know any good place. "No answer? Well, let's go back up on the roof, but please be careful alright?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry. But that seems okay *:D*"

We soon arrived on the train that would reach speeds faster than sound, so we could approach school in an instant! But it was surprising that there was barely anyone on here, so I decided to lay my head on Yuuta's shoulder.

"Eh? Rikka... I guess I'll allow this." Yuuta says as he wraps one arm around me. I slowly start to fall asleep because of how protected I feel around Yuuta. It's comfortable and warm when he has his arm around me. Now we just wait until we arrive...

"MastAAA! Look what I found! This is for you!" Said Sanae Dekomori, she is my slave owo (no, I'm her master :3 okay she's my servant u happy?)

"Thanks, but I have secret important plans today, I'll see you later Dekomori!"

Unfortunately, there was no free time at the start of school, so the first thing we had to do was go to class. Even though I hated it because I didn't get a little more time with Yuuta, I hated it even more because there was a test I didn't even know about! Although, I was able to get the most powerful score on the test that you could ever get! Using the power of the Tyrant's Eye, I was able to most likely crush the test! I ended off with the score of 23... Yuuta saw and was very disappointed in me.

"You know Rikka, if you don't take tests seriously and don't study, then we might not actually have a chance to spend much time with each other at school." Yuuta says, disappointedly.


Later on, Yuuta and I had to go to our club. It wasn't much of a surprise when the first thing that you see when you open the door was Dekomori fighting fake Mori Summer-chan.

"Today, I shall defeat you fake Mori Summer. Take this!" Dekomori says as she starts fighting fake Mori Summer.

"Jeez, why do I always have this giant problem in my way, everyday? All she does is attack me for no reason what so ever and is acting like a little child!" Nibutani states.

"I'm no child, don't you remember that I'm just a normal high school student just like you? Have a taste of the Mjolnir Hammer!"

"You do you guys fight so much anyways?" Kumin asks, but was ignored because of the fighting.

"Well maybe you should start acting like a normal high school student, instead of playing the role of little fool!" Nibutani says as she grabs one of Dekomori's twin-tailes tat are tied with small weighted balls and viciously launches it at her face.

"How dare you... Oh, master! Here, I also forgot to give you this as well!" Dekomori says as she gives me a sorcerer stone, the one that grants wishes.

"Another wish stone? Rikka, do you mind telling me your wish this time? Last time I didn't even get a chance to know because of some sort of reason." Yuuta asks.

"I Cannot do such a thing!" I say back.

"Why not?"

I avoid this question. I want to prevent the truth of Yuuta knowing why I can't tell him my wishes. If I do such a thing, the Tyrant's Eye could be destroyed! I want to make sure that never happens.

Later on, I grew a bit tired, so I decided to take a little nap. Having so many things on my mind, and the tyrant's eye getting damaged, there's no way I can stay up. Thanks to Kumin, I can sleep better. I should owe her sometime. Maybe buying her a more comfortable pillow or blanket so she can have a better sleep could do it, although I don't know...

*Entering Rikka's Dream*

"Rikka Takanshi, I challenge you to a battle. As I, the Dark Flame Master, shall test the abilities you have gained so far." Yuuta Says.

"I'm ready for anything, the Tyrant's Eye, is the strongest!"

"Reality be rent! Synapse break, Banishment this world!"

The surroundings turn into mountains, as the Dark Flame Master and I, battle on the top near a cliff. I summon my Schwarzsechs Prototype Mark (idk, III? I forget) and I get prepared for combat. This won't be an easy fight, the Dark Flame Master is full of tricks and abilities that can be hard to counter. I will not back down though, I can do this!

The Dark Flame Master rushes me with his Machine gun (or Demon Gun). I try avoiding the attack, but he managed to get a few hits on me. I then use this chance to unleash, Judgement Lucifer and was able to get a clean strike with a ton of force, dealing a lot of damage. Dark Flame Master flinched, and I used this to my advantage and used Dark Matter Blaze, but it was engulfed by the flames of darkness that Dark Flame Master had created.

"Don't underestimate the flames of the Dark Flame Master, these flames are very powerful and can deal an intense amount of damage." Dark Flame Master explains.

"Gah... Those flames are unique."

"Now, I shall release an ultimate being that is within me, the dragon that has evolved from it's past, the Dark Flame Dragon!"

"Crap, what do I do about this?"

Fighting against the Dark Flame Dragon isn't an easy thing. I have to be careful about it's attacks. It's flames are very powerful and dangerous.

The Dark Flame Dragon was able to unleash huge waves of flames that pushed me near the edge, at this point I was cornered. I don't even know if I can get out of this situation. The Dark Flame Dragon then releases a powerful wave full of dark flames that are rapidly approaching me.


The flames are too powerful! At any rate, my Schwarzschild could've been broken, but the ground beneath me broke first.


After that, everything was white, but little did I know that it was all just a dream...

*Goodbye dream*

"Rikka? Are you okay? You seem a bit terrified." Yuuta asks.

"Y-yeah, just a bad ending to a dream."

Soon, Yuuta and I head to the top and go on the platform that is on the roof. I learned my lesson to not go past it, or else I might fall again, and maybe go somewhere else, but hopefully Yuuta can stop my bad actions up here.

"So, Rikka. What do we do from here on out? I know we still need to do more. But I just don't know what to do..." Yuuta asks.

"Well, we can always go somewhere together. But how do we find out some place?"

Yuuta started looking at me strange. I think he's thinking that I've changed, but I don't know why.

"Well, we do have a lot of time to think about it. We don't need to rush in order to change.'

"I know, I just wish that something could happen."

"It will, eventually..."

After that, we both got down from the roof, then we found a bench to rest on. Once again, I laid my head on Yuuta's shoulder, while he wrapped his arm around me, and I began to fall asleep...

(Again, sorry if this is not perfect or good, or even decent. I'll learn how to get better...)

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