Chapter 3: Spending Time With Yuuta

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A word that went through my mind.

I don't know why this word was the only thing that filled my mind. I couldn't get my mind off of it, even though I was walking and holding hands with Yuuta. Why am I lonely? I have Yuuta, isn't that all I need?

"So, Rikka."


"If you feel lonely even though you know that I'm pretty much all you need, remember that I can be just more than Yuuta Togashi."

"Huh? You psychic or something? Also, be more as in what regard?"

"One, it's written on your face, and by more I mean by engulfing you in he flames and darkness with the contract of love with a short extension!"



"I want more Yuuta, not the Dark Flame Master."

"What do you mean, Rikka?"

"Yuuta, you as in, well you, just care about me and love me. But I want the type of Yuuta that I can express everything to. I want to be even closer."

I don't know why I said this or what it meant, but from my remembering, I think I meant I wanted to also be able to love Yuuta as much back, and for times when he needs care, I can take care of him.

"Rikka, thank you for wanting to spend time with me, but things will change, it just takes time. I promise you'll get your opportunities then, alright?"

"Alright, but this promise will be upheld until it's made."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. We're almost to our little hideout spot."

By hideout, he meant under the bridge. Recently, I started to just sit there and just think about chuunibyou or Yuuta. What did I want to do? I realize that after high school, I'm out into the world. I had to get a job or something. Probably not interested in anything that I get offered though.

"Here we are, and here is your food my small purple angel."


"Nothing. Anyways, what do you plan on doing after high school?"

"I swear on the wicked lord shingan you're reading my mind!"


"O-oh, I... haven't decided yet."

"I was thinking on looking for a college that we can both go apply for just so we can be together."

"But Yuuta, I still don't know what to do!"

"Just leave that to me you little quick munchkin. Besides, don't you want to do something that I'm also doing?"

"I... guess. But what if I fail at making it?"

"You think I will let that happen huh? With the strength from my dark flames, I will make sure you can pass anything."

"Honestly, you look and sound like a fool, Yuuta."

"Huh? But, The Dark Flame Master? Are you okay Rikka?"

"Not really, I feel like a lone foolish loser to be honest."

"Rikka? Something is definitely off about you."


It's funny that he's dense, but not really at the same time. I don't even know anymore. I think I got tired, so I ended up just falling asleep. Everything about me is changing, personality, emotions, actions, and social interactions. I'm confused about this life...

"Hehe... Rikka, you are very cute sleeping. I know you're awake, but I really do love you, Rikka."

I was laying down head on his lap, but turned away from him. I decided to turn to his face, looking up and ask him...

"Yuuta, do you really?"

"What do you mean?"

"I... want to feel your love. Physically and emotionally..."


Yuuta seemed shocked. He was surprised by my words. He would have never thought that someone like me would talk to him like this, even more so, ask him for love like this

Instead of being even more surprised then I thought he was going to be, he decided to return the favor...

"Rikka, I really do love you..." Yuuta says, then lifts my head up and kisses my lips...

"Thank you, and I do too."

A/N: Holy fu this is finally done. But I made it so confusing and none of you understand what the plot is anymore. Yay I actually worked on it wooooooo.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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