Chapter 2: Normal Events in the Napping Club

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(If you didn't know already, this story is put in Rikka's mind, meaning everything you see is from Rikka. Titles of the story may not be accurate because there will be times when Rikka is sleeping or isn't there, I will show you dialogue from the other characters. This can be shown in this chapter. Thank you for understanding.)

Well, I don't know if you can consider this normal. I've been in here for about 10 minutes, and no one else has arrived. It got me thinking about what I did yesterday. I don't know why though, my body is acting and thinking strange for some reason. Is it because of Yuuta? Well, all I can do is just wait until something happens...

"I guess I have no choice do I? Alright here it goes! Training starts now!"

Basically I just started training myself so my eye can become even stronger. Training my stamina and speed will help me much more so I can beat the dark flame master when he tries to attack me.

"Alright, here it goes! Judgement Lucifer!"

"Alright that's enough being weird Rikka, we have to study so you can get ready for the re-test." Yuuta says as he grabs me before I use my move.

"Trying again on the test are we? Well, good luck," Says Nibutani as she enters the room.

"Hahaha! Poor Rikka failed the test and shall now be punished by the magic devil girl!" Satone Shichinya

"You're on! The Tyrant's eye is strongest!"

"I think not! Rikka do you really want to fail that badly? Don't you forget what I told you?"That's right, I forgot about what Yuuta said to me before...

"Fine, Yuuta if I get a passing grade, will you be happy?"

"What stupid question is that? Of course not!" I don't know if I heard this correctly, but what I heard made me sad. The other girls were also shocked hat what Yuuta said, so I'm not wrong.

"Huh? Why is everyone looking at me weird? I was kidding."


"Yuuta, don't go joking to Rikka about something important. You're setting yourself up as a bad boyfriend!" Nibutani says.

"Alright alright, Rikka I owe you for this. Anyways, let's get to work shall we?"

"I'm ready for anything!"

While shichimiya was laughing at nothing and kimono napping, Dekomoru came and started having a heated battle against Nibutani. I was studying at my full potential, which isn't normal. Is it because of Yuuta? Do I actually want high grades so I can advance with Yuuta? No, I just want to get above average so I can live a life, right? It frustrates me, I don't know what I want and what I don't want. But that's why I have Yuuta, right? I'm confused...


"I'm impressed Rikka, scoring a 92 on my little quiz after studying. At this rate, you'll pass the test in no time! :)" says Yuuta.

"Well, she could be determined to study because you're helping her Yuuta, right Rikka?" Nibutani asks.

"W-well, I guess you could say that..." I didn't even know what to say because I'm exhausted.

"Well then, Rikka I don't know about  you, but I'm exhausted after all of this tutoring. Although, it kept me busy."

I didn't know if Yuuta wanted me to keep going or not, so I just fell asleep again. I don't know why I've been falling asleep a lot lately, but it is the napping club anyways. The only thing I remember before getting knocked out was Dekomori fighting Nibutani...

"Rikka's asleep again, she normally doesn't sleep here, she just rambles. " Yuuta says.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Nibutani replies. "Hey Yuuta, does this only happen with me or is she acting strange around you?"

"Huh? She acts differently around you as well?"

"Yeah, she is silent most of the time, but when we talk the conversations are mostly about you."

"With me, she just does all she can around me. She likes to talk a lot, come up with ideas to hang out or just stay by my side and lay her head on my shoulder and just become stuck to me. We should keep an eye on her more often."

"It's a weird topic to talk about, but sure I'm down."

Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka!

When I woke up, there was no one in the room. I guess they left me to do something since they thought I'd be asleep for a while. I don't blame them honestly. I mean, I've been acting differently around everyone now. Is this what it's like to lose Chuunibyou? I don't know. Well, the only thing I could think of doing is just waiting, but that would be boring. I don't feel like even sitting up or even moving position. My mind also hurts, so this just makes it worse. Yuuta...

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