PROLOGUE: The First Sign

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September 26, 2006

Dear Journal,

What I witnessed today was horrible. I wish I could describe exactly what went on, but I can’t even describe it in my mind. The mere thought of it makes me convulse in disgust and confusion. It’s not something I think people should see. For some twisted reason by fate, I can see it. Maybe in a simple description, I can see spirits of some sort. They follow people around and they are gruesome. One thing I did notice though is that they follow those who are sick. These spirits attach themselves to the ailing part of a person’s body. Watching them made me sick.

I was on my way home when I started to feel dizzy. I thought it was just because of the bus and motion sickness. My vision went black for a couple of seconds. Once it came back, I could see these spirits or things. I’m still not sure what to call them. Some look back at me, while some just continue tormenting the person they’ve attached to. I need to rest on this.

Is it because I’m starting medical school tomorrow?


THE PSYCHOTIC HIGHNESS (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang