CHAPTER THREE: The First of Many

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“Mike, what happened to you really? I do not want the doctor to nurse crap. This is friend to friend, man.” Sean had his hands on the wheel and his eyes on the road. Mike sat in the passenger seat of Sean’s Cadillac CTS. Most of the first-degree burns on his face subsided.

“I don’t know. I’m still a bit shaken up from it. You did not have to do this, Sean. I could have always taken a cab.”

“Changing the topic so early? Don’t give me that right now, Michael. We only live a couple blocks apart. It’s no hassle, really. Now, tell me what happened last night.”

“Fine, you know me well enough to know that I don’t let my patients get to me. Last night felt different. I wasn’t thinking straight. When it was happening, I felt like a deer in the headlights or more like a puppet. I couldn’t move normally. Whatever he’d say, I’d do. It was really freaky.”

Sean kept silent as he drove.

“Now I really sound unstable.”

“That you are, or might be. Maybe it was just an off night for you. You don’t rest enough, working two jobs. This is the first time it’s happened, so it won’t really make a problem.”

“At least they gave me the rest of the week off.”

“You better let your other job know what’s up. You really livened up Monday night/”

“Ugh, don’t remind me. I can feel it on my face. Thanks for the ride.”

Mike got out of the car and headed straight for his house. Sean honked and drove back to the hospital. His mind dwelled on the special case that Marcus wanted him to take. He was not sure if he should take it or not. He was going to have five patients and the internship was going to start soon. A half hour later, he pulled up to his parking space and headed to where he was needed.

“Hi Darla, is Marcus in?”

“Yes, he’s been waiting for you.”

She opened the door to his office and Sean walked in.

“Sean, I’ve been expecting you.”

“So I’ve heard, Marcus.”

“Please, take a seat.”

“Alright, before I give my answer, tell me why it has to be. I want the complete truth, Marcus. I don’t want the sugar-coated answer.” He leaned back, folding his arms, and waited for an answer.

“Fine, but I didn’t want to scare you off this case, Sean.”

“You know nothing scares me.”

“No one is saying you are. I just want you to know what you are up against.”

“This isn’t some battle, Marcus. A patient needs our help and I want to know what’s so special about this patient that I am the one who has to take the case. I want to know why none of the other doctors wants this. What makes you think I’m going to accept?”

“You don’t like backing down from a challenge.”

“Yes, that’s true, but if this patient attacked more than one doctor, and then what makes you think it won’t happen to me?”

“I’m not saying it won’t for sure, Sean. You are our last shot. We need to make a difference in this patient.”

“What’s the name of the patient?”


“Your Highness, when are we to set the plan into action? The others have become agitated. They want things to do.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2014 ⏰

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