Redtail's Death Chapter 1

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Redtail sat on Highrock with Bluestar. Bluestar was the ThunderClan leader, and Redtail was lucky to be her deputy. It was a nice day; a blue sky, few clouds, and the sun shining down at the camp. He watched the apprentices, he's daughter Sandpaw among them. She will become a good warrior. Redtail thought as he looked at he's precious daughter. He coulden't be more proud; she had excellent hunting skills, better than any he had seen, and she were starting to be really good at battle moves too. She was play-fighting with Dustpaw and Graypaw. "I bet they call that training," He meowed, flicking his tail toward the apprentices. Ravenpaw stood a little bit away from them, scratching at a leaf. Dustpaw, he's brother, was creeping up behind him. Dustpaw pounced, landing neatly on Ravenpaw's tail. Alarmed, Ravenpaw jumped into the air. He's a bit too nervous, but i think he'll be ok. Bluestar has given him a good mentor. Redtail thought. But Tigerclaw might be too fierce. "Do you remember your first moon of training?" He asked Bluestar. She nodded and thoughts for a long time. "I've led four good lives," Bluestar murmured. Redtail looked sideways at her, eyes narrowing. "Feeling nostalgic, eh?" He asked. Bluestar Sighes. "You'll have to indulge me now that i'm old" she said. "You're not old," Redtail argued. Bluestar's whiskers twitched. "I'm not young," she reminded him. "Just look at the white hairs at my muzzle." Bluestar sighed and Redtail suspected that something was wrong, so he glanced at her and asked; "What's worrying you?" "I was just thinking," Bluestar murmured. "We've had so few kits born recently. Who will keep the Clan strong and well fed through leaf-bare? The elders' den gets fuller each season." As Bluestar said that, Redtail thought of Patchpelt, Smallear, Dappletail, Halftail and One-eye that had moved in to the elder's den. Spottedleaf, Redtail's sister, emerged from the fern tunnel on the far side of the clearing. She was the only medicine cat in the clan after her mentor Featherwhisker had died from greencough. Spottedleaf looked exhausted. She had been healing a camp full of bleeding warriors after yesterday's battle against RiverClan. He and Tigerclaw had led the patrols, but they had lost. I guess those stupid RiverClan cats are enjoing themselves, but not for long, just wait until we take back SunningRocks! Redtail thought and hoped it was true. He walked down to were the apprentices were still playing. As he passed them he purred and Sandpaw smiled back at him. He walked into the warriors den. Brindleface, he's mate, sat there. She looked tired after hunting and border patrols. "Wanna go eat some fresh-kill?" He asked calmly. Brindleface raised up and stretched her feet. "I think i need some" she said and walked beside Redtail to the fresh-kill pile. The apprentices was gathering around it, now fighting over what to eat. "I don't want the sparrow!" Sandpaw spat. "It's full of feathers!" "I can take the sparrow!" Graypaw said and licked he's lips. «You've already had two mice!» Dustpaw pointed out. «You all should be happy to even get food!» Redtail said stright. The apprentices turned to him. "Sorry..." Sandpaw looked down at her paws as she took the sparrow and shared it with Dustpaw. Ravenpaw took a mouse and sat beside them. Graypaw stretched out to grab a wole, but Redtail blocked Graypaw's way with he's tail, «You've already had two mice» Redtail warned. «Feed the elders first, and if nobody wants more food, you can take the wole» Graypaw looked disappointed, but walked over to the elders' den. "Apprentices!" Brindleface spat with a hint of laughter. Redtail took a squirrel from the pile and shared it with Brindleface. It was good to get some food in he's belly, he had been practicing battle mooves all day, so he were ready to scare those fishfaces away from his terretory!

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