Redtail's Death Chapter 2

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Redtail woke up in the warrior den with Brindleface beside him. Her fur was soft against he's. I could lay here forever. He thought, but he knew he had to wake up and do he's deputy dutys. He raised up carefully, not to wake Brindleface or the other warriors, and walked out to the clearing. It was dark, and the sun wasn't up yet. Lionheart and Mousefur were the only one in the clearing, they had been sitting vigil and were on they're way to the warriors den to get some rest before they'r duties. Both of them nodded to Redtail, and he nodded back to them. He walked up to Bluestar's den and stopped outside. "Bluestar?" He called in. He heard some noises inside, and assumed that he had waked her up. "Redtail? Come in" Bluestar said sleepy. Redtail walked into the den. Bluestar sat inside the dark cave. "It's a lovely day, should i delegate duties?" Redtail asked. Bluestar thought for a second. "I think we should have a patrol at the RiverClan border" she said. "Sure thing, anything else?" Redtail asked, but Bluestar shaked her head and Redtail walked out into the clearing. More cats had woken up now, and as he stood under the high rock, cat's came towards him. "Whitestorm" He began and looked at the white warrior. "You take a patrol to check the RiverClan border. Take Sandpaw and Frostfur with you" Whitestorm nodded and gathered he's patrol. "Tigerclaw" Redtail continued with a nod at Tigerclaw. "You take some warriors with you and practice battle moves" Tigerclaw went off to the warriors den, and came out some seconds later with Darkstripe, Longtail, Willowpelt and Mousefur, then he walked into the apprentice den and came out with Ravenpaw, who looked nervour. Tigerclaw was on his way out of camp when Redtail stopped him. "I need Longtail for a hunting patrol and Mousefur need rest after the vigil!" He shouted after Tigerclaw. "Ok" he mumbled angrily and Longtail and Mousefur came towards him. Longtail was annoyed, but Mousefur looked relifed. "Longtail, take Runningwind and Graypaw for a hunting patrol. And Speckletail and Goldenflower, clean the warrior den" As everyone was on they're way to do they're dutyes, Redtail went off to the apprentice den where Dustpaw was still sleeping. "Are you gonna sleep all day or come hunting with me?" He teased and poked Dustpaw in the side with he's paw. Dustpaw opened his jaws in a big yawn and streached his front paws. Then he jumped up at all four paws and looked excited at his mentor. "Where's everyone?" he asked and looked around. "They're out doing they're duty, while you're here sleeping" Redtail told him. Dustpaw looked embarrassed, "Sorry" he said and looked down at his paws. "It's ok, just try to wake up earlier tomorrow!" Redtail teased him once more. Dustpaw wasn't embarrassed anymore and walked out of the den. "What are we gonna do?" He asked when Redtail came out. "Hunting"

It was a nice day, and the forest were full of pray. "I'm so happy leaf-bare is finally over!" Dustpaw exlaimed. Redtail nodded and opened his mouth to take in the smell of pray, and Dustpaw did the same. Redtail smelled a mouse, but waited to see if Dustpaw could cath it. A second later Dustpaw sneaked forward. Redtail heard a crack; like a mouses neck breaking. And Dustpaw came proudly out of the bushes with the mouse. "Great catch!" Redtail told him. Seconds later he heard a blackbird nearby and Redtail climed the tree he had localated the bird. He were carefull not to make a noise, and when he were close enough he jumped up and couth it. He climed down the tree and tryed to see if he could find more pray. He didn't find anything, so he mooved closer to the sany hollow in hope to find something. He was smelling for prey when he heard a scream from the sandyhollow, then he realized it was Willowpelt! My sister could be in danger! He thought and hurryed down to where he heard the scream. Willowpelt was on the ground with Tigerclaw and Darkstripe shouting at her. "Get up and fight!" Tigerclaw screamed. "Stop it!" Redtail runned down to the cats. "What's going on?" He asked Tigerclaw. "Nothing, we were practicing battle moves, as you said" he turned away from Redtail and commanded Willowpelt on her feet. Redtail helped her up. "Are you ok?" He asked his sister. He saw some stiff blood at her shoulder. "Your sholder!" He told her. Then he looked at Tigerclaw and Darkstripe again. "What did you do to her?" He asked. "If she had known the battle moves it would never happend" Tigerclaw said and walked away with Darkstripe behind him. Then Ravenpaw came out of the bushes were he probably had been hiding, Redtail didn't care to question Ravenpaw's nervourness right now. "Come on" Redtail told Willowpelt and supported her the way to camp.

When they were back to the camp Dustpaw sat at the fresh-kill pile and listened to Tigerclaw talking. Darkstripe and Longtail shared a sparrow, and Graypaw and Ravenpaw played outside the apprentice den. The elders sat outside they're den talking. As Redtail and Willowpelt came into camp all eyes were set on them, and many cat's asked about Willowpelt. "I don't have time for questions, i need to take her to Spottedleaf" Redtail told them. Speckletail and Lionheart came on each side of Willowpelt as Redtail took the lead into Spottedleaf's den.

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