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I walked into my house and was immediately greeted with the chaos that was my parents. My father, Clark, and my mother, Mindy, where drunk and shooting up on the couch. I made my way to my twin brothers room.

"Spencer. Did you happen to notice our insane parents getting high as hell on the couch?" I questioned leaning on the door frame. My brother, who was currently getting my next sell ready looked up at me.
     "Of course I knew, I just don't care." He said lazily, "I have to get this ready by tonight so Anthony can pick up and finish the transaction." He said as he continued. I pushed myself off of the door frame and sighed.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go get Ryan to help me get these idiots out of here." I said as I walked down the hall to get my younger brother.
    "Ryan! We need to go get Clark and Mindy out of here!" I yelled down the hall, younger brother shot out of his room.

"God I love dragging those trash bags out of the house!" he said as he sprinted past me. I laughed as I quickly followed behind him.

"Alright, Assholes. Time to find somewhere else to ruin your lives together!" I yelled as tore the couple that had been making out on our couch apart. I grabbed my mother and Ryan grabbed our father.

"I love you so much baby" My mother yelled at my father as I drug her her down the steps. my brother drug my father down the steps and my father replied to my mother.
"Your such a fox, lets forget these disappointments and go party with someone else!" He exclaimed as they stumbled down the side walk. That couple, I have no clue how they're still together, alive.

"Hey, go ahead and head inside, I'm gonna sit out here and take a break." I said as I pulled out a pack of cigarettes. I watched my brother walk inside our run down house as I lit my cigarette. I placed it between my lips and inhaled, the sweet release of smoke through my lips. I know it's a terrible habit, but it's what keeps me from doing stupid things. I don't really drink, I don't do drugs, and it helps me not hurt myself. Smoking is better than the alternative.

"You too huh?" A rough voice distracted me from my thoughts, I looked up to see Lip standing over me.
"Smoking? Or parents?" I questioned as he sat down by me on the steps.

"Both." He said as he motioned to my carton, implying that he wanted one. I handed him a cigarette and he put it in between lips. I lit it for him.

"I smoke so much I could drop dead at any moment, and both my parents are dead beats." He said with light humor in his voice. I chuckled a little bit to myself.

"Would ya look at that? We already have something in common. I think get along just fine." I said as I flicked my cigarette

"I think we will too," Lip said after taking a long drag, "so how'd you get these?" He asked grabbing my wrist. I quickly yanked it out of his grasp.

"You're pretty upfront aren't you?" I questioned with a slight harshness in my voice. He quickly realized that it was a touchy subject and you can tell that he felt bad.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude or anything like that, I'm just curious, I know that can lead to some pretty serious shit." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"It's alright, most people just shy away from the subject and I don't really have to talk about it. I just had a few really bad years, I didn't really know how to cope with it. I felt all of this pain on the inside, but I couldn't feel on the outside, why not feel the same on the outside as you do on the inside?" I questioned him.

"That's a pretty fucked up point of view ya know?" he questioned back at me. I shrugged a little bit and put my cigarette.

"Is it though?" I bit back. I saw him falter a little bit, looking as though there was a lot on his mind. I felt slightly bad, but he's the one who brought it up. I lightly placed his hand on my wrist, in a light, caring way more than an abrupt, curious way.

"You're okay now though, right?" He asked. I actually laughed. People have so many different ideas of okay, they don't understand the heaviness of the words 'Are you okay', I may say and genuinely think that I'm okay, and others think I'm a mess. Or I feel like a mess, but look fine on the outside.

"I'm as okay as a person can be, I'm nearly a year clean." I said with a slight smile. "You Lip Gallagher, like to get to the good stuff fast." I said slightly joking.

"I like to get to the good stuff on more then one level." Lip said slyly while winking at me. I just laughed and nudged him with my shoulder.

"Well Lip, when do I get to hear something deep and personal about you?" I questioned

"I got kicked out of college for fucking my teacher, and I'm a recovering alcoholic." Lip said pretty bluntly, at first you may think that he was kidding, but I could tell by the disappointment on his face that he wasn't. Spencer walked put with the products that were meant to be sold later.

"Hey, I'm going to drop this stuff with Anthony, he couldn't come get it." He said annoyed

"Alright, just don't get yourself killed. I'll be at the Gallaghers when you get back. " I said as he took of down the street.

"So, back to my house?" Lip questioned. I stood up and started walking.

"Well, that's where I'm going." I said winking.

|Reckless| - Lip GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now