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     The techno music was pounding in my ears. Sweaty bodies slammed against each other, grinding like there was no tomorrow. I was currently in between a completely hammered Trevor and Ian. Yeah, they're gay, but just because they're gay doesn't mean they don't dance with women.
     "I'm gonna go find Lip!" I yelled over the powerful music. I slid out from in between the two. I walked around for a moment until I spotted him at the bar. He had a beer in one hand and he was twirling an AA chip in his other. I took a seat next to him.
    "Come on, let's go dance!" I exclaimed grabbing his hand.
     "Nah, I'm good, want a drink?" He questioned. I shouldn't, I'm already a little tipsy, but Lip invited me out tonight, I don't want to leave him stranded.
     "Sure, I'll just have a shot of the strongest thing back there." I said casually.
     "Two shots!" He yelled at the bar tender. We got our shots and quickly downed them. He ordered another round. I could tell he was already tipsy and I didn't want to risk his sobriety, I was started to get worried. After our fifth shot Lip grabbed my hand.
     "I think you're right! We should dance and have fun tonight!" He said dragging me to the dance floor. It quickly turned very sexual. His hips pressing tightly against my ass, his hands trailed from my hips to my hot and sweaty thighs. I felt him grow behind me, I started to grind harder with my hand in my hair. He quickly spun me around slamming his mouth on mine. I grabbed his neck and kissed him lustfully. We pushed through the crowd of people, stumbling and falling, being cursed at for our clumsiness. We reached the bathroom and barged in. It's smelled like a mixture of sweat, alcohol and vomit. There was writing and graffiti all over the walls and stalls. Lip picked me and put my back against the wall, my dress started to ride up, exposing my underwear. I could feel him fumbling with his belt and I quickly sobered up and stepped into reality.
     "No. I can't." I said not looking him in the eye as I squirmed out from between him and the wall.
     "What? Why not?" He said out of breathe.
     "We're drunk, and in a bathroom." I said getting ready to leave.
     "C'mon, like you've never had drunk sex before." He said almost desperately as he pulled me back.
     "I haven't. I've never had sober sex. I'm a virgin, Lip." I said finally looking him in the eye. He looked shocked at first but his face quickly softened.
     "I'm so sorry Sybs, I had no clue, I would have never-" I cut him off
     "No, it's totally fine. I'm just gonna head home." I said looking at him kindly
     "I feel like a such an ass, are you sure? Do you want me to walk you?" He asked quickly
     "No! I can't take care of myself. I don't wanna ruin your night. Go have fun!" I said reassuringly
     "Well can I at least walk ya out?" He questioned rubbing the back of his neck. I smiled and grabbed his hand leading him through the crowd.
     We stood on the stoop outside the club.
       "I'm so sorry, you don't even know." He said again with pleading eyes. I slowly kissed him, placing my hand on his neck. We pulled away after small period of time.
     "It's fine I promise. Now go have fun!" I exclaimed. I slapped his ass as he walked back in. He turned to me shocked and I laughed.
     I walked off the stoop and started started down the side walk. My house was only like 10 blocks away so it wasn't a bad walk. About half way home the hair on my arms stood up and I got a churning feeling in my stomach. I kept walking, but I started to keep an eye on my surroundings.
            **TRIGGER WARNING**
     It happened fast. A hand wrapped around my mouth and pulled me into the dark ally. Panic started to arise in me. I felt duct tape wrap around my moth and I was pushed to the ground. For a split second the person wasn't touch me and I tried to get away. I turned to crawl but was immediately pulled back by my ankles. I could feel my knees and forearms scrap against the rocks. I wrestled and fought, I punched aimlessly trying to fend for myself in anyway I could. The person finally got my hands pinned to the ground. I got a good look at him, but it didn't do much good. The man was wear a black ski mask and all I could see were his black eyes. He held my hands above my head tightly with one huge hand the other slowly lifted my dress. A second wave of panic came to me as I realized what he was about to do. I frantically started kicking my legs. I got a good knee in the ground causing him to looseness grip and fall over on me, I took the moment to sink my teeth into his face over the mask. He groaned angrily and quickly regained control. I pulled back with a mouth full of black fuzz and a slight bit of a metal taste. Blood. I got him. I now had and identifier. I felt the force of material breaking under my dress around my waist. The friction burned. I saw him throw my underwear to the side. I tried to yell and beg underneath the duct tape. I felt hot tear streaming down my face. Then, there it was, a sharp pain my my lower abdomen. The sweat from his brow dripped repeatedly onto my face, in my eyes and my mouth. There was stench in the air. He yanked on my hair and scratched my neck and face. I gave up. My fell to the side and my vision blurred. I could feel the skin on parts of my arms and shoulders rip as I rocked up and down roughly in the gravel. I heard his grunts, his moans. There was a release of an unfamiliar warmth in my stomach and I wanted to vomit. He got tired, and like that it was over. He grabbed my face roughly and lifted his mask up just enough to kiss me harshly, trailing his tongue up the side of my face. He stood over me, and grabbed my neck, forcing me to sit up, he wiped himself off in my hair. Then he left. And I laid there. For what seemed like hours. I just laid in the gravel before forcing my self to get up. I stood up, bracing myself on the building next to me. I pulled my dress down, put my shoes on, and walked home.

* okay guys. It's taken me so long to update because this was really hard for me to write. It's a vital point in the story. This is an extremely sensitive subject for me and unfortunately a lot of other girls. Please let me know if you have any questions or need to talk about anything at all. I love you all so much and as always, thank you for reading

|Reckless| - Lip GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now