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I asked Ian to help me because I knew he wouldn't be weird about it. He works in the medical field, he knows the human body. Also he's gay so he has no desire to touch me in any sexual way. We stood in the bathroom in silence. He helped me undress and get into the tub. I sat with my knees against my chest. I felt the loofa softly glide along my skin.
"I'm so sorry," Ian started. I stayed quite, "I can't believe I thought you were bipolar." He finished quietly. I could feel him lighten up and be gentle over the healing injuries on my back. I shook my head.
"Don't be sorry." I spoke softly. That was it, there was no more conversation. I stepped out of the tub and Ian handed me a towel. I nodded at him signaling that it was alright for him to leave. I stared at myself in the mirror. I was unrecognizable. I could see my rib cage and the bags under my eyes, the scabbed over injuries and fading yellow bruises. I put on some baggy seat and tank top. I walked out of the bathroom to be greeted by Ian and Fiona.
"You ready to go?" Fi questioned. I nodded and made my way downstairs, I grabbed a hoodie on the way out and slipped it over my head. We got in my car and Ian headed back to work. The drive was long and silent. Neither of us spoke. I could see Fiona look at me out of the corner of her eye several times. We pulled up to the clinic and Fiona started to lead me inside. I stopped right outside the doors.
"No one can know." I said looking her dead in the eyes. She nodded at me and grabbed my hand. We sat in the waiting room for almost an hour until a nurse called me back. I sat on the table until and waited for the doctor. A blonde woman walked, I mentally sighed a sigh of relief.
"Ms. Murphy, I'm Dr. Seely, what Will I be seeing you for today?" She asked with kind eyes.
"Just my yearly check up! I hate these things so I bring my friend Fiona!" I said happily
"Well, I'll have you change into a gown and we'll get everything started!" She left the room and I stepped behind the curtain and changed. I sat back down and Fiona called the doctor back in. I watched nervously as she got the stirrups ready. I put my feet in then and slid down the table. I closed my eyes and waited. I flinched at her touch. Fiona grabbed my hand and squeezed. The process was terrible, as soon she left the room I was quick to get dressed. We sat there in silence for almost 15 minutes, dreadfully waiting. The doctor came back in and stared at me for a long while, like she was looking for something.
"Well, you're not pregnant and you're STD free!" She said cheerfully. My stomach dropped, but it was a good drop, a drop of relief.
"I noticed some trauma though, mind if I ask where that came from?" She knows. I panicked for a split second.
"My boyfriend," I answered quickly. It got really awkward," you know us kids, young and dumb." I answered nervously.
"Yes, well, you're free to go! Let me know if you have any questions!" She said and showed us out the door. We hopped in the car and started driving.
     "Young and dumb?" Laughing, Fiona questioned breaking the silence.
     "Hey! I was panicked!" I laughed back. It felt good to laugh, even if it is at my my own horror.
"You comin' over?" Fiona asked lightly. I hesitated. This was my first time out of my room in the past two weeks, going to the Gallagher house seemed like a lot to take on, but I know that it's something that I need to do, I have to face all of them. I started scratching at the scars on my wrists, it had become my nervous habit. I felt her eyes on me.
"Uh, sure." I said shakily.

**Guys im so sorry this took me so long, I've been writing this chapter for like three weeks. I've just got a lot on my plate write now with it being my senior year and all. Lots of love and thanks for reading!**

|Reckless| - Lip GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now